
Sometime early in our marriage, I came across a blog post about a 1.5 career marriage. Greg and I both read it, talked about it, and decided that for us it makes sense. It allows us to lead the kind of life we are after and meet our personal and family goals. (Please read that for us note again, we have zero opinions on what should or does work for other couples; we’re just over here minding our own business, trying to keep the kid alive.)


2010 – the inaugural Slalom team at The Relay (a 200 mile run from Wine Country to Silicon Valley)

Over the last almost three years, a lot changed for us as people and with our careers. I became less interested in my corporate career (to the point where sometimes I needed a pep talk to go to work on Monday morning), while Greg has advanced in his and gets a huge amount of satisfaction from his role (on most days; he is human and does have bad days). I found an ever-growing passion around nutrition and went back to school for a certification. Oh, and we had a baby.


2010 – Escape (company retreat) where we casually let the dating cat out of the bag to all our colleagues.

With my heart not really in consulting for the last while, we kind of had already organically moved from two careers to 1.5. I took care of most things around the house and wasn’t actively pursuing any opportunities within my consulting career. Any free time I had went into nutrition or other hobbies.

Last week I made it official and resigned from Slalom. It makes total sense for our family right now; Greg will continue in his career while I will stay home with Paige and, as time allows, turn my nutrition hobby into something of a second career.


2011- Party Like a Rockstar Holiday Party

Who knows though, maybe I’ll become a crazy world famous nutritionist and Greg will stay home with baby number two. πŸ˜‰


2012 – our wedding

I have so, so many fun memories with Slalom, it actually was a little hard for me to hit send on my email even though this is exactly what I want.

So what’s next? Well, most immediately probably another feeding and diaper change cycle. But seriously, I’ve got some cool stuff going on.

First, I’m able to spend my days with Paige, getting used to being a mama, and making a few new mama friends along the way. We are enjoying summer and the flexibility we have right now.

Second, I’m doing an internship this summer! I’m working about ten hours a week (yes, my vague goal for the month had something behind it) for the Paleo for Women blog. I am absolutely loving getting a little break from all things breastfeeding and diapers as well as putting my nutrition knowledge to work.

And last, I’m hoping to make Thrive Nutrition Therapy a real thing. It will likely start as a blog. There is so much I want to share on how we can drastically change our day to day lives with simple changes in our food. My interest is in meeting people where they are and giving very practical, doable advice for making improvements in food and lifestyle to positively affect areas like sleep, energy, weight, libido, skin, etc.

I hope to expand to take clients at some point, whether that be physically in an office or virtually. I’ve had a lot of fun (and success!) with my family and friend clients. Producing general information blog sort of stuff is my favorite, but I do think I’d like to have a small number of clients in the future.

I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to make something more than a hobby out of nutrition. 2015 will hopefully just be the first step towards nutrition world domination making an impact in the nutrition world.

And I’m so thankful for the 5+ years I had with Slalom. Outside of gaining a husband and a new city, I had the opportunity to work with amazing people daily, provide value to great clients, and make friends along the way.

3 thoughts on “changes

  1. danielle

    Very cool. I recently left work to stay at home with my little one and have been considering doing some sort of nutrition education because it’s been one of my passions for a while now so it’s so inspiring to see someone else making it happen!


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