Tag Archives: goals

august goals

IMG_5730_edited-2I’ve been a terrible blogger lately and don’t see that changing in August (but hopefully it will in September!). It’s silly, but putting these goals on here makes me much more likely to complete them so I’m going to keep doing it.

To recap July…

Lose some damn baby weight. I ended up deciding on a Sunday that I was going to start a Whole30 the next day. It was a great decision. I just finished this Tuesday. I lost six pounds. While I firmly believe that the scale is simply a numeric value of your relationship with gravity that day (and influenced by a zillion factors), it’s nice to see the number go down. A few of my shorts fit now and I feel like I’m on the right track. I also really saw improvement in falling asleep quickly and in not wanting sugar quite as much. Win all around. I had fun recapping a tip a day (most days) on my Instagram feed.

Create a plan for building out my business website. Nope. Until my internship is finished, I think it’s safe to say that I just won’t have the time to work on this. And that’s fine, it will come at some point.

Moving on to August…

Use my Barre3 classes. Last summer I purchased a set of five Barre3 classes for a ‘deal’. Well, they are only deal if you actually use them and a year later I have three left. The expiration date is August 31st, so I need to get my butt into the studio and use them by the end of the month.

Finish Paige’s quilt. Back in May I bought and cut all the fabric to make Paige a quilt. It’s taking up a bunch of room in our office closet and I need to actually turn the pile of triangles into a blanket. I’m really excited about it because it’s going to be the most cheerful quilt ever, I just need to stop procrastinating and get to work.

Short and simple this month. I’ve got a lot of stuff around the house that needs to get done and I’m still putting in hours on the internship. There isn’t a ton of time for extras but if I focus I can knock these out.

july goals

julygoalsStarting off with a recap of what I did in June…

Learn to use my ring sling.  I did learn to use the ring sling that my sister gifted Paige and I, but it turns out baby girl is not a huge fan of slings. She likes to kick her legs and pop the seat (meaning the fabric is no longer in a nice little seat for her, keeping her safe). She especially enjoys doing so while we’re walking home from the store with a bag of groceries. Towards the end of the month I bought our first woven wraps and they are amazing. So much easier to carry her around in (than the Moby) now that she’s not a newborn, but still light enough for summer. My sister has been a huge help and I’m obsessed. #wearallthebabies

Fit into my summer wardrobe. Nope. The clothes don’t fit. On a positive note, I did kick the sugar cravings I’ve had since Paige was born. So that is progress. But there definitely needs to be more, and soon.

Spend ten hours a week on nutrition. Yes. I’m having a lot of fun working with the Paleo for Women team. I’m learning so much about how a blog operates and I hope I can take that knowledge and turn it into something concrete of my own. Baby steps.

Enjoy a family vacation with no expectations. Ha. Okay, I’m going to try to not sound ungrateful for spending a week in Maui. But we learned an expensive lesson in baby traveling. Don’t do it. 🙂 It was awesome having Greg around for nine days straight but we really just moved our Seattle life to Maui for a week where it was incredibly hot and humid. It wasn’t exactly vacationing.

And in July, I hope to…

Lose some damn baby weight. I’ve given myself a few chances and not called it out, but those haven’t really worked. So here’s the deal, I weigh the exact same as I did at my two week postpartum appointment. Which is twenty pounds more than I usually weigh. While I do have some nice cleavage going on, the girls are not ten pounds bigger each. Typically I think the scale is dumb and not an accurate way to measure health, but sometimes it doesn’t lie. And this is one of those times.

Create a plan for building out my business website. The doer in me wants to make this “create my website”, but between being a SAHM and my part time internship, I just don’t have the time. What I can do though is create an action plan and tackle this in a structured way. It might turn out that I can’t feasibly finish this until 2016 and that’s okay. Once I have a plan I can start chipping away at it with my goals in mind.

My goals this month are pretty short and sweet. I decided to stop here (I have about 800 others I wanted to include) because I’d actually like to do each of the above. There are a million fun craft projects I’d love to do, but I’m going to make these two goals a priority and knock them out.

june goals

june goalsIt’s that time to #makeitpublicmakeithappen again. Yes it’s a ridiculous hashtag but I like it.

In May, I wanted to…

Average 10,000 steps a day. Yes! This ended up being more difficult than I thought it would be, but I ended the month averaging almost exactly 10,000 steps per day (there might have been some monitoring the app in the last few days to make sure that happened). I’m really proud of myself for making this one happen as it definitely took effort. I think I’ll write a seperate post on this because I have lots of thoughts and suggestions for how to make a step goal and then meet it. Because maybe someone else out there wants to be a weirdo like me? Because walking is by far my preferred exercise right now, I plan to continue adding up the steps. Maybe with a little less obsession about the total count though going forward.

Plant a backyard garden. The garden is planted! And three weeks later a few veggies are starting to pop out of the soil. Once there’s a little more activity I will do an update. I’m really enjoying checking out what’s new every morning and taking a few minutes to sit back and relax while watering in the evening.

Read four books. I ended up reading seven books this month. Way more than I would have thought, but I spend a lot of time nursing and finally stopped spending that time mindlessly browsing the internet while plopped on the couch.

In June, I plan to…

Learn to use my ring sling.  My sister gifted me a gorgeous Didymos ring sling when Paige was born (this is the fabric). My girl and I love baby wearing (it’s the only way she’ll nap and I’ll take a wrap or carrier over lugging around a stroller any day), but for some reason we’ve never been able to use the ring sling very well. Before I’ll allow myself to purchase any new woven wraps I want to use this sling more.

Fit into my summer wardrobe. I spent some time putting together a summer capsule wardrobe to make getting dressed really easy. I ordered a few new things in my post baby size but when they arrived nothing fit. Truth be told, I haven’t lost a single pound since my two week postpartum appointment. That was eleven weeks ago. I haven’t gained more, but still. It’s time to tackle this and make some progress. I don’t want to focus on the scale so rather than have a weight goal, my goal is to be able to wear these close by the beginning of July.

Spend ten hours a week on nutrition. I’m three months into my maternity leave (I took a six month leave of absence starting when Paige was born) and I’d now like to spend some time each week working on a potential future career in a new field. It’s going to be hard to carve out ten hours a week but this is important to me and I want to make it a priority.

Enjoy a family vacation with no expectations. We off on our first family vacation this month in Maui and we’re really excited. Our good friend Jon had some wise words a few months ago: there is no such thing as a vacation after kids, there are trips. Ha! We want to have down time and relax, but that’s the only expectation we’re going into our trip with. There will be fewer cocktails, more meals cooked versus eaten out, and less sleeping in, I’m sure. But we will have a blast and get to experience Maui through our baby girl’s eyes for the first time.

may goals

IMG_7517-1_edited-1Checking in on my April goals and putting my May ones out there because, you know, #makeitpublicmakeithappen. That might be the longest hashtag ever (I’ve never used it though it does exist), but it’s super true. At least for type-As like me.

In April, I wanted to…

Get back to meal planning and cooking. It took me until halfway through the month, but I’m there. We’ve had take-out maybe once in the last two weeks and have gone out for a few meals. It’s so much more enjoyable to have a meal out when you aren’t doing it so frequently that it becomes an annoyance.

Move more. Walk, walk, walk. I seriously love to walk. Coming from a former CrossFitter and marathon runner, walking seems so passive. But it’s what I love right now and because of that I actually did a lot of it this month.

Catch up on Project Life. Done! I caught up on all of March and April. I’m glad to have a single week to work on each week now. I am also happy to be caught up as I’ll be working in real time and I think that will help me remember more of the little stories.

April was a success. I feel like I bit off the right amount. It’s taken me time to figure out how to get meals made with a baby and I had to get creative to find time to work on my PL album (90% of it was done standing at our dining room table while Paige napped in the Moby).

In May, I plan to…

Average 10,000 steps a day. Okay, this one is a bit of a stretch. I’m not entirely sure I’ll be able to do that, but sometimes that’s the mark of a good goal. I’m cleared for more intense exercise, but I really am enjoying walking. And as a bonus it’s both free and I can do it with the baby and the dog. I resurrected the FitBit and this goal will force me up and out on the lazy days when I don’t want to bother with getting outside. I’m pretty sure I’ve never returned to the house after a walk in a worse mood than when leaving. Fresh air is my SAHM secret weapon of the moment.

Plant a backyard garden. This past weekend Greg built three new garden beds to go with the three he built last year (that I never used because on a whim I decided to go back to school). I have 42 square feet of garden space and am hoping to get started with planting in the next week or so. I have no clue what I’m doing but with the help of my MIL and a little luck, we may be eating some of our own veggies this summer.

Read four books. In actuality, I don’t care how many books I read, but I want to keep a trend going where I recently replaced mindless Facebook browsing with book reading while feeding Paige (April book review coming soon!). The last few days though I went back to my social media ways so I figure by putting a goal around this I can hopefully make it a habit in May. I have two to three hours of feeding time during waking hours a day, I might as well use them for something good (in addition to sustaining a small human).

I love to hear what others are working on. Do you have any goals for May?

april goals

april goalsIt seems I’m slowly rolling out of the newborn fog. One of the first signs of this for me was that I started thinking about goals again. I’m not going crazy because I am still getting used to taking care of a tiny human and finding our daily rhythm, but I’m ready to put a few things out there and make them happen this month.

Get back to meal planning and cooking. I’ve literally been saying this since November. We have eaten a lot of take out in the last four or five months. I’m sure both our waistlines and credit card bills have suffered. I laugh that I thought once I was at home with a baby I’d make myself fabulous meals three times a day. Ha. I had hoped to avoid cooking on the weekends as that is family time, but I just am not able at this point to make three meals per day and be as attentive to Paige as I would like. My new plan of attack is to prep breakfasts and lunches on the weekend and cook dinner each night. One meal a day seems reasonable. As she gets older I’ll be able to cook more, I hope. For now though, this seems like the best plan.

Move more. While I haven’t been cleared for intense exercise yet, I am feeling really great these days. I’d like to make sure I get a good walk (at least one mile) in every day. We took short walks in March but I wasn’t able to go very far, especially in the first few weeks. I’ve got a system down for taking both Paige and Alfred with me, without anyone being in danger. Super excited that the weather is changing and we can hopefully get out daily.

Catch up on Project Life. I’m using our album as a way to record Paige’s days and it’s important to me to stay on top of things. I’m a few weeks behind, but I think I can catch up and stay on track. I’m going very, very basic this year. My goal is simply to get pictures and stories into the album without fuss.

a few goals for the new year

2015 goals

For the upcoming year, I’m changing up my goal setting a little bit. Rather than creating a list of resolutions or to-dos that I want to accomplish, I organized my thoughts by theme using my word for the year, ADVENTURE.

I am choosing this route for a few reasons, mostly that I don’t know what to expect from this coming year and I’d like the freedom to be flexible with goals as the year goes by. Last year I had a bunch of goals set, but by the end of January had decided to pursue my NTP certification (which was 100% not on the radar on January 1st).

Also, after experiencing getting in my own way in November, I decided that maybe what I don’t need this coming year is a somewhat arbitrary list of to dos, stated here in blogland just because it’s the new year. It should go without saying that the having a health baby, having a happy marriage, and having a somewhat well-adjusted doodle are my priorities for 2015, followed closely by continuing to improve the trifecta of good food, good sleep, and good movement that make me the best version of me (love, love this post from Melissa, which when I read it this week solidified my thoughts on goal setting for the year).

When I have a set of items listed out for me, I feel a strong urge to cross them off and it’s very hard for me to focus on the above. I have a tendency to value myself based on the number of to do list items I’ve accomplished. I’d really like to find ways to work on personal development and set goals without basing my self-worth on how far I’m getting down the list.

So what do I want to focus on in 2015 in addition to my priorities? And without measurable goals, at least for now?


Documenting the adventure(s). This is going to be such a fun year. Hard, but fun. And I want to remember it. I don’t have plans to keep a separate baby book for Martian as I will be using Project Life again to document our family’s year. The focus is on the stories, not the products and not on comparison to other’s pages. Getting our family stories, big and small, and photos out of my head and computer and into an album.

Expanding our culinary adventures. I’ve learned a lot about cooking since I started focusing on real food in 2011. However, I feel like I’m still stuck in a rut lately. I make the same recipes (when I bother to cook) and I haven’t learned anything new in a while. I also mentioned before that we are in a total out-of-the-house food rut. We eat take out from the same three restaurants and dine in at only a handful. A few things that I think will be fun to focus on this year around food are:

  • Learning how to best cook various cuts of meat. I bought this cookbook to hopefully help me understand which methods work best for a given cut.
  • Making homemade Indian food. My stomach has a very hard time with Indian food (I think because nearly every dish involves dairy in some way) but Greg and I both love it. Cooking it at home will hopefully allow me to swap out dairy and still satisfy our cravings. This will probably involve needing a cookbook as well.
  • Eating less take out. Sure, it’s great to have some stand by options, but we’ve been doing a lot of it lately. I’d much rather spend that money on going out to real restaurants and enjoying more of an experience.
  • Challenging myself to waste less food. Veggies are my issue and I hate that every week I am doing a fridge clean out and tossing at least something if not a lot of somethings.

Exploring my career adventure options. This is completely up in the air and I’m not at a place to talk about it yet, but I (gratefully) have several options in front of me and we will figure out which are best for our family. At a minimum I will be focusing on the baby for six months and I’m sure a lot of that time will be spent determine what my future holds, and once that is better known there will be goals aplenty. I’m going into this with a very open mind, which I’m quite proud of myself about. Typically I would want to know exactly what the plan looks like; for whatever reason I’m really open to seeing what happens with motherhood and career. I’ll take it.

Simplifying the adventure. In general, I’d really like to simplify a bit. It feels like we accumulated a lot of stuff this year, between style challenges, school, and the baby. We also had very little scheduled downtime. It was a great year, but I’d like to collect less and spend more time just being this year. I think unpaid maternity leave and a newborn will force us to do both! A few other things I’m thinking about are:

  • Encouraging no grocery shopping weeks to actually use up what we have versus bringing in more.
  • Creating capsule wardrobes from what I already have for each season and not participating in the style me challenges. I learned a ton this year and feel like I have a hold on my own style now, so it might be time to step away and branch out on my own. We’ll see how I feel in spring.
  • Buying baby items when we need them. Of course, there are several things we need before baby. For everything else, I have a running mental list of suggestions from friends that I know I can buy should the need arise but that we don’t need to get just to have.
  • Being more organized and neat around the house. I categorize this under simplifying because I feel much less overwhelmed when the house is tidy, yet it’s really hard for me to keep it that way. Definitely an area to improve on as we add a third human being to the picture this year.


And, because I can’t not measure at least something, I joined in on the “big things happen one day at a time” movement from Elise. My habit is “move” and the goal is to do some form of movement every day in 2015. It’s not about killing myself to get it done daily, it’s about being intentional about doing it as often as possible. I managed to talk myself out of checking off each day using a key as to what type of activity I did. While the nerd in me would love this data at the end of the year, the realist in me knows that will only make this harder to stick with and take away from the experience.

And now it’s time to bundle up and start the year with my favorite boys and a little movement. Happy and healthy 2015!

december goals

I mentioned yesterday that I let my health take a backseat to getting sh*t done in November and that has left me feeling really tired and worn out. Switching things up for December seems like the smart move.


Goal One: Eat real food that I prepare for myself the vast majority of the time. Make holiday off-roading decisions thoughtfully and with weighing the consequences.

Goal Two: Get thirty minutes of exercise every day. Every. Day. Midwife’s orders. And because I know I will feel a thousand times better.

Short and sweet. Now on to the list of how I’d like to spend my time when the above goals are met each day (in no particular order):

Get the house ready for Christmas. Decorate the tree, wrap presents, send out the cards, make a second wreath (last year’s), and create a centerpiece for the table.

Complete my December Daily album. Stories and photos, one per day, for thirty one days. Nothing fancy. Just a way to remember this last holiday season as a family of 2+1.

Work on my website. This is a hard one to focus on because I spend all day on a computer and I like to come home and get away from screens. But I’d like to get the basics in place so I can start on the fun part – content.

Decorate the nursery. It would be nice to go into the new year knowing that we’re ready (ha!) should the martian come a little early. But in reality, as long as we have a carseat to take him or her home in, we’ll be fine. S/he will have no clue or care whether or not the nursery was complete.

Babymoon with Greg. Canada, here we come. It does’t quite have the same ring as ‘Maui, here we come’, but we can’t always make timing work out as we want. Victoria will be lovely and just slightly less tropical.

Create a plan for the living room and dining room. I’m working with a designer from West Elm to figure out what to do with our living room and dining room. I’m not even pretending we’ll actually do these things before the martian arrives, but having a plan of attack would be great.

Make a quilt for a Christmas gift. If this doesn’t get finished, I have a back-up plan, but I’m hoping to be able to give another quilt as a Christmas gift.

Finish the martian’s knit blanket. Still just chugging along on this. I might have bought the yarn to start the second one. I justified it by realizing I had made a rookie mom mistake with the yarn for the first one – it’s hand wash only. So clearly s/he needs a second one that can actually go in the washing machine, right?

Complete Project Life and One Little Word for 2014. I’d love to have these done going into 2015, but we’ll see. Not worth losing sleep and eating junk food over to get these done.

Simply because I like to keep myself accountable, here’s a recap of November

Health & Relationships

After yesterday’s post, it’s pretty clear that I’m not going to be checking ‘off-roading smartly’ off the list. But I’ve got a plan to fix that this coming month, so there’s that. ‘Get up and move’ was slightly better than eating. I gave myself a little tally mark every time I did an activity for more than thirty minutes, ending the month with nine. Not great, but could have been worse. I will say that we spent a lot more family time together this month and that was great. We said no to a few things to make time to just be.


IMG_6519I’m officially a business owner now that my LLC has been confirmed by the state! I didn’t make much progress on the other legal / set-up stuff. I’m planning on waiting until 2015 so that the money I spend is deductible (assuming I earn some income in the second half of the year). I decided to hold off on posting more on this blog to allow a little separation between my personal blog and my business site and so that my business website doesn’t start with a bunch of regurgitated information. I did published one post before deciding on that though.

I took on two new clients this month, both distant. It’s been a learning experience, both logistically and in working with actual individuals with real concerns. I’m really glad I’m doing it and I hope they are getting something out of it as well.



One blanket done, one very special blanket about 2/3 of the way done. I really need to start using bulky yarn! I’m making a sweet little striped blanket for martian but it’s taking forever. I made progress on the 2014 Project Life album. It’s not pretty and it certainly isn’t beautiful, but memories are off the computer and in an album to look at and remember. Same with One Little Word – slowly but surely making my way through 2014.


I prepped a full December Daily album and I’m so excited to be starting. It’s ready to drop pictures in and record stories. I hope I can make the time to actually complete it.


Everything for the nursery has been ordered! We got new carpet late in the month and had been waiting to start assembling and moving in furniture until that was done. Right now there is just a lamp and a dresser, but all other pieces are hanging out in the garage or in transit to us. Hopefully next weekend we’ll really be able to put the bones together. Since the dresser is ready I washed all our newborn and 0-3 month hand-me-downs (and a few things I bought). They look so sweet all tucked away in the drawers.


The kitchen is still a work in progress, but will be done shortly. I’m pretty sure the house will not be fully decorated before the martian arrives, but if we at least have 3 out of the 6 rooms done (office, kitchen, nursery), I’ll be happy.

what I don’t do

The other day, as I was working through my to do list in the precious after work hours, I took a second to think about the task I was working on, wondering if it really was a priority (I question if it was now, because I can’t remember what I was doing). My love of goals and priorities has me constantly thinking through how I’m spending my time. And got me thinking about what I don’t do in order to make time for what I do do.


I came up with a list of four things that I let go of, three intentionally and one that just dawned on me as I thought about this for the first time.

I don’t do my hair. This is a bit of an embarrassment to admit and something I never even thought about until now. You’ve probably already realized this from the weeks of me sharing daily outfits during the Style Me Challenges. I get my haircut probably three or four times a year and I wash my hair every 2 to 3 days using baking soda and apple cider vinegar. And that’s the extent of my hair care regiment. On days that I wash my hair, I take a few minutes to blow dry it. And then, nearly everyday, it gets thrown into a ponytail or a messy bun and that’s just how it is. Maybe I should care more, but of all the things I would like to conquer in this lifetime, having great hair isn’t one of them.

I don’t clean my house. Unlike my hair, house cleaning actually does get done, but we outsource.  From 2011, when Greg and I got engaged and moved in to is condo, we have had a monthly house cleaner. Mostly for two reasons, the first being that my husband is much neater than I am. Having someone else being responsible for the cleaning means he doesn’t have to keep on me (as much) to clean up after myself, and we avoid potential arguments. Additionally, Greg’s travel schedule is pretty intense and we prefer to spend our weekends together doing family things versus worrying about cleaning the house.


I don’t watch (very much) TV.  I quickly realized post-school that if I wanted to keep my full-time job, try to build a business, spend time with my family and friends, and have some time to craft, TV could not be a part of the equation.  Greg and I do enjoy watching one or two shows together, and typically we watch on Friday night and maybe Sunday. We tend to watch one show at a time, usually something that’s at least three or four years old, and finish it through all the seasons. Right now we’re on Burn Notice. We watch a few comedies, but we cut back this year when we realized we were watching shows we didn’t think were funny anymore just because they were in the queue. I also watch Scandal, catching up on a few weeks worth of episodes while I am working on a quilt (and while Greg is out of town, he’s got no love for Olivia Pope). I knit while we watch TV together, otherwise I get really antsy and can’t sit there for very long. I am not one of those people that finds TV relaxing and I absolutely can’t watch any shows that are suspenseful or dark.

I don’t go to a gym. This one makes me a little sad, as I love the camaraderie of group classes, getting to know the people that attend the same days and times you do. However, going to a class takes time to drive to the location, get there a little early, and stay a little late. It also makes working out less flexible as you’re tied to specific class times. Right now I’m doing a lot of walking and I have a Barre3 online membership that I’m trying to get back to using more often (they have awesome prenatal online classes!). I do go to prenatal yoga once a week on Thursday evenings. It’s a commitment, but I enjoy being in a space with other women experiencing the same thing as me so it makes it worth it.

What do you not do?

november goals

First, a quick link to the next Style Me challenge that I mentioned earlier this week. Alison’s Build Your Basics Wardrobe Challenge is now open for registration. It is specifically geared to those over 40, but open to anyone who wants a shopping list and 21 outfits in classic, year round styles. 


For the month of October, I set two goals for myself. It seemed like such a small number, but they were big goals and sometimes I try to be reasonable. For a very quick recap, I will say that I kicked both their asses. I am a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and, as of Wednesday, I completed a 100% compliant Whole30 in the midst of the chaos of the month (recap coming Monday). I’ve taken a few minutes to pat myself on the back, but now it’s time to move on to November….


I realize that the list below is kind of insane and in all honesty I’m pretty sure I can’t meet all these goals. But for the first time this year, I’m enjoying the freedom of not having set school goals and have gone a little crazy. Oh well, the worst thing that happens is something doesn’t get done. But if I put it all out here, chances are at least a good chunk of it will happen.

Health & Relationships

Be intentional about off-roading from Whole30. I always struggle with ending a Whole30 and finding my balance. This month I want to really work to ask myself “is it worth it” when I want something that I know is going to take away from how good I feel right now.

Move a few times a week. Walking, prenatal yoga, prenatal Barre3 class, whatever sounds good. I slipped badly, aside from my weekly yoga class, the last two months and I want to make sure my body is ready for the epic event that birthing a child is.

Make time for quality family time. We did not get to spend a lot of quality time together in September and October. We spent time together, but most of it was while working on work or school. We’ve definitely been better the last week or two but I think being intentional about it is important.



this is an Action Book and it’s amazing. i learned about it from elisejoy.com, who is the queen of goal setting and GSD

Finish the legal stuffs. Pretty boring, but I need to wait on my LLC from the state, trademark my name, and organize my insurance.

Start building my website. This is something I’d like to do myself for a few reasons. First, I’m hoping to build a business that is both client and content based. Because of the content portion, I want to be able to enhance the site at will. I’m also just a nerd who likes to learn new skills. I have an idea of how I’ll go about building the site, but I need to look into it a little more.

Write three articles. In my day job I translate business needs to a technology team. It dawned on me the other day that what I want to do with my business is very similar, translate the science of nutrition into terms anyone can understand and put into action, without spending a year learning all the details. Until the website is available, these will be posted on this blog.

Work with one additional practice client. Until the baby comes, I’ll be working at my “internship”, collecting practice clients as I can get them. What does this mean for you? How about free nutrition therapy? I’m looking to add one more client in November (once I sort out my insurance). If you are interested, local or non-local to Seattle, email me at beth dot martin at outlook dot com. Keep in mind that in exchange for free work, I’ll be learning as well. Not sure what nutritional therapy is? It can mean many different things, but here are just a few of the issues I am ready to tackle with you: digestive issues that keep you from feeling your best, low energy and/or stress, conception preparation, and help with food allergies or sensitivities.


Finish two blankets. I’ve started knitting a blanket for martian and have a quilt in the works that I started in May. I’d like to finish both this month.


Make progress on paper projects. Finish One Little Word for July and August. Create pages for June and July in our Project Life album.

Prep a December Daily album. I love the idea of December Daily and bought the kit last year. While I’ve only mentioned it in passing here, we lost our first baby on November 30th. Surviving the holidays was challenge enough and documenting our cheer, or lack thereof, was not on my list of things to do. Instead of buying this year’s kit, I’m going to use the one from last year and document our last year as a family of two humans and a doodle. From what I’ve read, if you prep everything before hand it’s very easy to keep up during the month.


Finish the kitchen. We’ve decided to work on one room at a time and get it done. We’ve lived here for two years next month and most rooms look like we just moved in. We plan to be here another five years so it’s time to spend the money and time to make it ours and enjoy it. We completed the office in October and once our couch is delivered in two weeks I’ll share an update. The kitchen needs a new lamp, artwork on the walls, and a serious clean out and organization of cupboards.

Get the nursery basics. I’d like to end November with all the furniture ready to go in the baby’s room. That means we need to get new carpet installed first, so I guess I’m hiding a second goal within this one. We already have a glider and bookshelf and need to pick up a crib, a dresser, a rug, and a lamp and side table for the glider. I’m leaving decor for later. I wouldn’t want to go too crazy this month.


I like to keep my goals front and center so this reminder is sitting on our desk, just waiting to be marked up.


let’s do this, october

IMG_6119_edited-1September was both productive and exhausting.  The fact that I managed to get through most of my goals while we traveled three out of the four weekends this month probably explains the exhaustion. That and a steady diet of sugar.

I’m happy with where I am for school. I still have some practice client work, but I’ve already jumped into studying for the final so all in all I’m feeling good about my progress. Turning in my community project was a huge sense of accomplishment and relief. I had fun doing it, and it spurred many more ideas for future content, but it was a bit of an undertaking while keeping up with class work and getting ready for the final.

I made the tiniest bit of progress on OLW by finishing up May. I’m still months behind but I will get there. After packing my big camera for two weekends away I realized there is a reason phone cameras continue to improve: they are so much more convenient. I need to use my big camera at home more, but see no reason to bring it on trips when my iPhone does the job. october2014I’m keeping things simple in October. Two goals, both big undertakings, but both worth it. There are plenty of responsibilities that require my attention this month (the house being painted, our renter moving out) and other opportunities I want to pursue (decorating the house, taking part in the style me challenge, planning for the martian). I needed to set some priorities and these two goals are them. Hopefully I’ll also find time to fit in a little crafting and interview renters. Know anyone in Seattle needing a new home?

Happy October!