Tag Archives: five on friday

five on friday

quote card_edited-21. I don’t know who Many Hale is, but I think she’s on to something. I still haven’t finished the January assignment for One Little Word, but already I can see how focusing on “cheer” is actually changing my day to day outlook. No one else in my life is doing anything different (that I’m aware of), so it really is me.

2. Greg and I went on an impromptu date night last night and we have a real one tonight. Life is good.

3. I’m heading to SF this weekend for a quick 36 hours trip. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I miss these girls so much and I can’t wait to celebrate Baby Barringer and just hand out like it’s 2010.

4. No online shopping January is the smartest thing we ever put into place.

5. Our office reorganization is going really well. We got the furniture moved around and now it’s on to the fun stuff – decor! I’m highly motivated to get this finished because as soon as I do, I can move on to my craft “room” (a.k.a. the office closet).

five on friday

quote card_edited-11. I sat down this week and did half the January work for my One Little Word class. My first observation with “cheer” is that happiness is something you cultivate. It doesn’t just happen. And some days all you feel like you have is pretending that you have it. But more often than not, that’s enough to find it.

2. I’m so done with illness. I got the flu in December, Greg got it this month, then I followed that with a terrible head cold. Everyone at work is constantly sick. I’m over it.

3. I read these two really interesting articles (1, 2) on goals versus systems this week. I’m still mulling them over. As a goal loving person it’s hard to read that perhaps they are not the most efficient way to effect change, but I do see the point of systems. I also noticed that several of the “goals” on my Winter Bucket List tend to fit more in the system category.

4. I currently have an entry on my to do list to “digitize meat inventory”. The only thing more sad than that is that I haven’t started yet because I can’t decided exactly how I want to lay out the spreadsheet.

5. I’m super excited for a family adventure this weekend! It’s dog friendly and a new place in Washington. It’s not supposed to rain and it’s going to hit 50 degrees. I don’t need much more than this.

five on friday

quote card_edited-1

1. I’m doing One Little Word (OLW) this year and actually taking the class with Ali Edwards as well. My word is “cheer”. I’m excited to write more about it as I dive into it deeper. The quote above is my favorite quote ever, was my high school yearbook quote, and I couldn’t agree with it more.

2. I couldn’t handle not having a 2014 reading goal. So I created one. Last year I read 26/30 books. Not bad considering I added new hobbies throughout the year. This year my goal is to read one “fun” book and one “learn” book each month.

3. Out of need to use round steak last week, I made this recipe for Paleo Swiss Steak on a whim. Holy cow (ha!), it was good. Since I buy my meat in bulk I have no idea what cuts are cheaper, but according to the recipe round steak is affordable. It was easy to throw together and smelled great as it cooked through the afternoon.

4. I’m loving Barre3. Low impact but I still feel like I get a great workout and without the stress CrossFit was putting on my body. It’s been only five classes but I’m already noticing improved posture. If I still love it at the end of my trial month I’ll definitely share more.

5. My birthday is Sunday and I asked for a weekend with no plans so we can do laundry and get the house in order. Hello, mid thirties. I’m also getting a steak dinner date with my hubby.


five on friday

1. I have not spent much time in the kitchen these last few weeks and first on my agenda today is meal plan + shop + prep + cook. Well Fed 2 will be getting some serious attention. I’m having so much fun cooking through it I’m already trying to decide which cookbook to tackle next. The practical side of me wants to do another one that I already own, the non-practical side wants to do Nom Nom Paleo’s soon to be released cookbook.

2. I’m so happy about downtime this weekend. We have a reasonable to-do list around the house but it’s mostly holiday related and fun. I’m sure there will be several New Girl marathons mixed in whenever we need a break. Just started Season 2 and we are obsessed.

3. I’m way behind on my 36 books in 2013 goal and totally okay with it. I took on a few new hobbies this year that have taken up time spent reading in the past. I am hoping to make it to 30 (5 more to go).

4. Because I’m on a super minimalist kick, I want to try to spend no money on Christmas wrapping this year. But of course it still needs to look cute. Pinterest makes it seem entirely possible. I will report back.

5. I’m joining with Elise and doing #mileaday. One mile every day between Thanksgiving and New Year. I will probably run some and walk some, but for me in Seattle the goal is less about the exercise and more about getting outside every day. Something I don’t do nearly enough of in the winter.