Tag Archives: chocolate

Whole40: Day 3

Day three and reaping the rewards of clean eating! Feeling much less bloated from my week of SAD foods as well as sleeping better and being less dehydrated.

For breakfast I had the same meal as yesterday, though I remembered to take a picture and had only half decaf coffee. The cold turkey headache was killing me, so I gave in a bit. You can see that my fried egg skills need improving. You can also see that pastured eggs are so vibrant in color (and taste AMAZING). I added a bit of chili powder, black pepper, and sea salt this morning.


After breakfast I did my first PBF Lift Heavy Things workout. The idea is to get in two of these a week, and once I’m at level four for each exercise I can swap out one LHT workout for the fun Workout of the Week (WOW). Today’s workout was 2 rounds of the following (my numbers following):

30 Push-ups (Level 2): 25, 20
50 Squats (Level 3): 40, 40
20 Overhead Press (Level 1): 20, 20
90s Plank (Level 3): 90, 90

The fifth exercise is pull-ups, but my bar hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. I’m a long way from level four for each move, but I’ll get there. I love that I can squeeze this in any time and that it’s free (minus the $15 I invested in a pull-up bar)!

For lunch I finished off the remaining Paleo chili from the freezer. I could’t face the cold cooked veggies from the cafeteria again, so I picked up a veggie tray. Yes, I did eat the ranch dressing.


On the way home work I had an organic Pink Lady apple – my favorite!

For dinner I made cumin spiced chicken (first recipe from this blog that I thought was just okay) with broccoli (saut̩ed with coconut oil and garlic) and asparagus (roasted in the toaster oven with sea salt, pepper, and olive oil Рnew technique thanks to this awesome Paleoista). A decent, hot Paleo meal in under 30 minutes.


Now for confession time. I ate half of this. It was it at the market when I went to get dinner veggies and I thought I’d have a small square. Yeaaahhhh. The sea salt and dark chocolate combo was too much for me. My documenting is totally working though – I didn’t want to admit to earing the entire bar, and I can’t lie on my own blog, so I flushed the second half down the toilet. I can’t be trusted and have further proved that my once a month meat shopping plus farmers market visits is my only hope.


Around 9pm I was starving to I made two scrambled eggs (non-pastured, but better than conventional) with canned salsa that tasted mostly like tomato sauce.

And then I went to bed to get up for the royal wedding!