Tag Archives: eggs

menu monday: 21 day sugar detox

Hello, March! We’ve had a pretty mild winter rain-wise, but I’m definitely ready of some slightly warmer temperatures and hope we see them this month. We just got back from Phoenix yesterday afternoon so I made use of our leftovers to get through the first few days of the week.

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 11.05.33 AMRecipes with links:

Lamb Chops & Pesto
Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins
Spaghetti Squash Bolognese

Nothing new from Well Fed 2 this week (mostly because I didn’t have it with me when I menu planned in the hotel room).

21 Day Sugar Detox

I’m excited to start the 21 Day Sugar Detox today! I recently bought the book and read through it while we were in Phoenix. My sister and I are virtually working out together starting today and I thought it would be a good time to clean up the diet a little as well. I’m a Whole30 girl for life but wanted to try something different this time. I’m sure I’ll learn something new and I’d also like to have a selection of ideas for future clients who might be interested in a (real food) detox.

What I like about the 21DSD and why I think it will be a great suggestion for clients is that there are three levels to choose from. I’m doing Level 3 since Level 1 would actually introduce foods I don’t typically eat. But for those who are focusing on real food for the first time, I think Levels 1 and 2 seem much more manageable and less intimidating.

The hardest parts of the detox for me in the next three weeks is going to be no sweet potatoes (I probably need an intervention) and no fruit. L3 allows for one piece of fruit a day but you can only choose from 1 green-tipped banana or a green apple. Neither really interest me so I’ll probably be fruit free. Which is also good because I’ve been eating a lot lately and can definitely tell it’s creeping up my sweet tooth.

Next week: an update on week one of the 21DSD and why soup for breakfast is awesome.

Paleo Bites 6/19

Sunday morning was pretty lazy at the Collins studio. I made my favorite breakfast of baked eggs over sweet potatoes. This time I included spinach and leftover pastured pork sausage with half an avocado to top it off. Since I had finally unpacked from my trip, I also had tea that I bought in Paris.

I was really excited to make homemade mayonaise and have a tuna “sandwich” for lunch. But, my mayo was a total flop. I watched a few You Tube videos so I’m hoping my next attempt will go better. I had the rest of the stir fry from Saturday night for lunch instead.

With my last meat CSA package I added a pound of grass fed lamb stew meat. I’m trying to incorporate different meats (i.e. not eating grass fed ground beef or pastured eggs for every meal!) without breaking the bank. Someone suggested tougher cuts of meat that are not as expensive as steaks. While I thought these had to be cooked long and slow over low heat, I found that you can also sear / stir fry these meats quickly over high heat and they turn out yummy and tender. I cut the lamb stew chunks into pretty small, uniform pieces (maybe around 1/2 inch?) and lightly salt and peppered them. I let coconut oil heat to very hot in my wok, then tossed the lamb in for a few minutes to sear. I ate it in wraps with just diced avocado and salsa verde.

And lastly, this is what I spent my weekend doing. While I can’t completely pack up and shut down quite yet, I’m getting a good head start. Feels like I’m finally making progress on working my way north!

Paleo Bites – 5/18/2011 & 5/19/2011

I’ve gotten a little behind in my posting. Mostly because I didn’t take very many pictures since I’ve eaten leftovers all week. Yesterday I started the day with a new breakfast meal. It’s hard to see in the picture, but they are pancakes of a sort, with egg, spinach, pork, and coconut flour. I used ground pork from my meat CSA and the Breakfast Seasoning spice from Penzey’s. Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t even tell you how good that seasoning is and how sad I am that there is sugar in it and I can’t knowingly order it again. Back to the pancakes – they were okay, but a little dry. Not sure if I overcooked them or if that is just coconut flour. I’ve never cooked or baked with it before.

For lunch I had pulled pork with a sweet potato that I baked the night before.  A little later, I was still starving so I ate the rest of the pulled pork. For dinner I had leftover pork mixed with broccoli slaw (just shredded broccoli and carrots I buy from TJs) and topped with guacamole and salsa. I also had a cup of chicken broth to keep the germs away. I went for a run (first time in I don’t know how long!) and managed 3.4 miles! After picking the love up from SFO I had one small “pancake” before going to bed.

Breakfast this morning was the same as yesterday, but I am finally back to decaf-only black coffee. Phew. Took a few weeks, but I like it much better this way! For lunch I had some blackened cod that was in the work freezer from last week. I also had 1/2 of a giant sweet potato and two broiled zucchinis. I ate a Larabar in the afternoon out of pure hunger. I really don’t think they taste good at all. I’ve been drinking a ton of water lately and feel really good. I’m much less snacky in the afternoon.

For dinner I created a 10 minute TJs meal. I sliced up and threw a package of spicy jalapeno chicken sausages in a pan, added a can of organic diced tomatoes and threw in half a bag of spinach. It wasn’t the most amazing thing ever, but it worked and there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

I have quite a few fun meals planned for the weekend, not to mention a lot of sleep and hopefully a lot of time out in the sun.

Whole40: Day 3

Day three and reaping the rewards of clean eating! Feeling much less bloated from my week of SAD foods as well as sleeping better and being less dehydrated.

For breakfast I had the same meal as yesterday, though I remembered to take a picture and had only half decaf coffee. The cold turkey headache was killing me, so I gave in a bit. You can see that my fried egg skills need improving. You can also see that pastured eggs are so vibrant in color (and taste AMAZING). I added a bit of chili powder, black pepper, and sea salt this morning.


After breakfast I did my first PBF Lift Heavy Things workout. The idea is to get in two of these a week, and once I’m at level four for each exercise I can swap out one LHT workout for the fun Workout of the Week (WOW). Today’s workout was 2 rounds of the following (my numbers following):

30 Push-ups (Level 2): 25, 20
50 Squats (Level 3): 40, 40
20 Overhead Press (Level 1): 20, 20
90s Plank (Level 3): 90, 90

The fifth exercise is pull-ups, but my bar hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. I’m a long way from level four for each move, but I’ll get there. I love that I can squeeze this in any time and that it’s free (minus the $15 I invested in a pull-up bar)!

For lunch I finished off the remaining Paleo chili from the freezer. I could’t face the cold cooked veggies from the cafeteria again, so I picked up a veggie tray. Yes, I did eat the ranch dressing.


On the way home work I had an organic Pink Lady apple – my favorite!

For dinner I made cumin spiced chicken (first recipe from this blog that I thought was just okay) with broccoli (sautéed with coconut oil and garlic) and asparagus (roasted in the toaster oven with sea salt, pepper, and olive oil – new technique thanks to this awesome Paleoista). A decent, hot Paleo meal in under 30 minutes.


Now for confession time. I ate half of this. It was it at the market when I went to get dinner veggies and I thought I’d have a small square. Yeaaahhhh. The sea salt and dark chocolate combo was too much for me. My documenting is totally working though – I didn’t want to admit to earing the entire bar, and I can’t lie on my own blog, so I flushed the second half down the toilet. I can’t be trusted and have further proved that my once a month meat shopping plus farmers market visits is my only hope.


Around 9pm I was starving to I made two scrambled eggs (non-pastured, but better than conventional) with canned salsa that tasted mostly like tomato sauce.

And then I went to bed to get up for the royal wedding!

Whole40: Day 2

Despite some serious cravings for soda (50 ounces of water later I managed to not give in to the temptation), day two was not bad at all.

I got out of bed at a decent time and made myself two pastured eggs in coconut oil. My egg frying skills need help. Badly. Along with my eggs I had a large decaf coffee, 1/3 avocado, and jalapeno sauerkraut. I forgot to take a picture of breakfast.

My schedule was a little odd today, with meetings falling during lunch. At 11 I ate a bowl of Paleo chili from the freezer to hold me over. After my meetings I had mixed veggies and an apple from the cafeteria. Eating these veggies this week make me miss the high quality produce I get at my local Farmers Market. Hopefully at the end of summer life will calm down a bit and a weekly Farmers Market routine will be feasible. Until then, it’s crappy cold broccoli for me.


Wow, those really don’t look appetizing, but the chili is great!

I tried drinking a ton of water today and that has somewhat helped my afternoon snack needs. I was still starving when I got home, so I really need to figure this out or plan ahead for a healthy afternoon snack.

I had a quick dinner of leftover grass-fed beef lettuce tacos and sweet potato fries with guac (playing with more fat to see if I stay full longer) before heading out to see Water for Elephants with two girlfriends. Great movie, even better since I had read the book in 2008 and barely remembered it. My plan was to come home and do my first PBF “Lift Heavy Things” workout. Instead though, I joined the girls for 1.5 glasses of red wine after the movie. I had a great time and got to know two new friends a little better, so not going to beat myself up for it.

Paleo Eats

Here’s a slideshow of the few Paleo meals I’ve made lately that I’ve also remembered to take a picture of before devouring. Click the pictures for recipes. Though they are not represented for some reason, I’ve had great success with recipes from www.primal-palete.com.

Paleo Mama's Coconut Shrimp with Asparagus and Zucchini

Balanced Bite's Crustless Quiche with Avocado Slices

Everyday Paleo's Baked Eggs

Everyday Paleo's Easy Chicken with a Beet and Kale Salad

One Disaster - Roasted Kale and Beets Exploded in Kitchen