Tag Archives: cheer

five on friday

quote card_edited-21. I don’t know who Many Hale is, but I think she’s on to something. I still haven’t finished the January assignment for One Little Word, but already I can see how focusing on “cheer” is actually changing my day to day outlook. No one else in my life is doing anything different (that I’m aware of), so it really is me.

2. Greg and I went on an impromptu date night last night and we have a real one tonight. Life is good.

3. I’m heading to SF this weekend for a quick 36 hours trip. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I miss these girls so much and I can’t wait to celebrate Baby Barringer and just hand out like it’s 2010.

4. No online shopping January is the smartest thing we ever put into place.

5. Our office reorganization is going really well. We got the furniture moved around and now it’s on to the fun stuff – decor! I’m highly motivated to get this finished because as soon as I do, I can move on to my craft “room” (a.k.a. the office closet).