Category Archives: Life

Introducing Chase Kenneth

So we had a baby a week ago. I’m not sure if I’ve even been on this blog in the last nine months to share that I was pregnant. But with two kids, a growing business, and trying to keep a (sorta) organized home, I don’t have time for documenting their lives in any sort of physical way. And I certainly don’t remember anything unless it’s written down. So I’m going to do my best to keep up with their lives here so we have a record of these fun yet exhausting years.

Family photos to come soon! But here’s our little guy. Chase Kenneth Martin, born at 4:29 on 4/8/17. 7lbs 6oz, 20.5″. 

First up, Chase’s birth story. I could just say “read Paige’s birth story and it’s basically the opposite, minus the induction”. But if you want the full story, read on…

Staring around 32 weeks I began weekly acupuncture appointments with the hope of avoiding another induction. Fast forward to 41 weeks + 3 days and I found myself in a similar situation: no labor and a decision on inducing. My appointment was on Thursday, and I was given the choice of Friday or Sunday for inducing. I ended up choosing Friday because I figured it gave Greg a few extra days at home if we had the baby (who was not named at this point) over the weekend and my favorite two midwives were on call over the weekend.

In some ways this was much less stressful than a sudden induction like Paige’s, but it was also kind of weird. We were given a time to show up at the hospital on Friday evening, like it was a hotel reservation.

Friday, 4/7

10:00am Greg had gone into work as normal and Paige and I headed off to the first meeting of our new mom’s group. It’s a group specifically for moms of toddlers and an infant. Great way to meet more moms and have something on the calendar weekly. I was the only mom who had yet to actually birth the newborn, but there was a two week old and a five week old, as well as a handful of other babies between two and five months.

12:00pm We returned home and had lunch, then I had Paige snuggle with me on the couch for her nap. It was her last nap as an only child (dramatic, much?) so I wanted the snuggles even though I’ve been working so hard to get her to nap in her own bed. Motherhood…it just messes with your mind at every turn.

2:30pm I dropped Paige and Alfred off with Grandma and Jim. Once they were situated I headed home to a very quiet house. I finished packing a few things, cleaning up the co-sleeper, and just sort of walking around the house enjoying the quiet. It’s never quiet here.

4:00pm Greg arrives home and I jump in the shower. I couldn’t figure out if I should put on makeup and do my hair or just go in with a clean face. My induction was schedule for two parts and there were no plans to have a baby Friday night, so I ended up just going au natural.

5:00pm We head out the door to have a baby! I’m a little sad I never got to experience the “oh sh!t, I think my water just broke” or tracking contractions, but that’s just not how we have babies. We stopped by the gas station to fill up the car and Walgreens to buy bobby pins so I could pin back my hair.

5:30pm We stop in at a taco place and have dinner. It’s early, the food arrives fast, and we are done eating by 6. But we’re less than 10 minutes from the hospital and our ‘check in’ isn’t until 7pm. We look for open houses (the market is so crazy here there have been Friday night ones recently), but don’t find anything. It’s pouring rain so we can’t take a walk, and at this point I’m pretty bummed about the induction so I really don’t want to do anything else. We swing through the Starbucks drive thru to kill a few minutes then head to the hospital early.

6:30pm We arrive at the hospital birth center and check in. Someone just departed a room in the new wing, which has private tubs, so they have us hang out for a bit in the lobby while they clean the room. Things are looking up – I’m now 2/2 on snagging a room in the new wing and I LOVE spas/hot tubs/baths, so this is very promising. (The old wing also has tubs, but they are not in your room so you have to walk to / from the tub to use them.)

7:30pm My favorite midwife, Mary Lou, and her midwife-in-training, Dominique, come in to chat with us. At the appointment the day before we decided to start with cervical ripening because my Bishop’s score is still quite low (a tool that estimates the likelihood of an induction being successful).

8:00pm The midwives and nurses got their stuff together and I had the same Cook’s catheter procedure as I had with Paige. We had baby monitoring for two hours then we turned off the TV and tried to get some sleep. I was woken up for vitals and 20 minutes of baby monitoring at 2am and 6am. I had some pretty intense contractions but they subsided around midnight and I was able to get a little sleep.

8:00am After ordering and eating breakfast and cleaning up a bit, the nurse came in to remove the catheter. And then then Deborah (new midwife on call) did a quick exam and oh-my-gosh this time it worked so well! I was at 5cm and 75% effaced – major progress from the night before. We all agreed we were ready to go so they started to get things set up for pitocin. The one fun complication was that I had a reaction to the tape they used to secure the catheter to the inside of my thigh. I had a terrible rash on both inner thighs (I guess because I slept on my side so it ended up touching both?) that was actually quite painful.

10:00am And here we go… my least favorite drug on earth starts flowing. I had my hep lock put in (the fun IV that goes in your hand for all drugs to be pushed through), and this time they only blew one vein before a successful insertion. Once the pitocin was going, they told me to get up and walk. My nurse, Jenny, was awesome – she was ready to get this baby out so she didn’t let me sit around. We wandered the hallway back and forth for about 90 minutes. Because I was on pitocin the baby had to be monitored at all times. I had wireless monitoring, but we had a short distance we could walk for it to be picked up.

11:00am This is probably the time I started to feel some regular contractions. Nothing too crazy, but I would lunge, squat, or do forward bends (per Nurse Jenny) each time I felt one. We also decided that we weren’t super in love with any of the names on our short list and started checking out all the birth announcements and Christmas cards that lined the hallways. And that is how Chase was named. Five letters, monosyllabic. I was sold. (Like Paige’s middle name, Clara, we have a Kenneth on both sides of the family so his middle name was already set.)

12:00pm Jenny has me come in the room and gives me two different sets of exercises to do during contractions. The first I did for ten contractions, the second for three. I thought my hips were going to fall off during the second – that was actually worse than the contraction – but I followed orders and completed both.

12:30pm It’s like Jenny knows what she’s talking about or something because I went from talking or just lightly breathing through contractions to telling her I was going to start making animal noises soon. She suggested we call my doula, Jenne, because things seemed to be progressing.

1:00pm I got in the tub just about the time Jenne showed up. My contractions were definitely not fun at this point, but I was on a really low dose of pitocin (about 1/3 of what I was getting with Paige) so I was actually getting a 2-3 minute rest between each, which is night and day difference than constant contractions.

these times are all approximates because things get fun at this point and the last thing I’m doing is looking at the clock

2:00pm The nurses start changing the room to delivery mode. Brining in all the baby stuff, adding a pediatric nurse to the group, etc. This should have given me positive thoughts, but for some reason it really got my head stuck in Paige’s birth and I became convinced – completely convinced – that it was going to be another 12 to 24 hours before this child was born. It didn’t matter what anyone said, and they were all saying ‘this baby is coming soon’, I wasn’t having any of it.

2:30pm Jenny decides I need to get out of the tub because I’m sounding “pushy”. This center does not do water births (but they sometimes accidentally happen), so it was out of the tub for me and resting on a peanut ball on the bed. At this point I was in the fun transition phase, which I did not experience pain med free last time so it was a whole new level of fun. The center has since added nitrous to their offerings, which I have to say is awesome. I asked for it at this point and they handed me my mask. With nitrous you have to breath in and out into the mask (so you don’t get everyone else in the room high), so you do get dry mouth. I’m not sure it lessens the pain, but it makes you loopy enough to not care as much about the pain.

The room also starts filling up at this point. In the end, there we had a full house but I have no idea who came in when. I’m all about training, so I’m always fine when people bring their trainees along. For the actual birth we had Greg, Jenne, Nurse, Jody the nurse trainee, Deborah my midwife, Dominique the midwife trainee, and two baby nurses (not sure why there were two?). 

3:00pm I demanded an epidural and they humored me by starting the fluids bag (you have to have a full bag of fluid before you can get an epidural, and that’s not the quickest process) and calling anesthesiology. But they were all telling me that the baby would come before I would be able to get an epidural. And I was telling them they were full of it. According to Greg, there were lots of knowing looks and smiles shared among everyone in the room.

3:30pm My beloved nurse Jenny is off shift and in comes a new Nurse. I have no idea what her name is even though in the end she was nice enough and cleaned up our room and was on shift for several hours. But she came in the room and 1) wasn’t the anesthesiologist so she was dead to me and 2) started offering suggestions in a very annoying way. I looked over at Greg and told him to tell her to “shut the f*** up”. While he is a great birth partner, I don’t believe he relayed the message.

4:00pm The anesthesiologist arrives. Why anyone would want a job that involves sticking large needles in irrational women I don’t know.  But they have me sit up (which is not a fun way to experience contractions) and I get the first needle which is just a numbing solution for the actual needle that goes in your spine. It still creeps me out 100% to think about an epidural and the only time I have any desire for one is in middle of labor. He’s got the shield up (no idea what that is but I remember them talking about it during both labors) and is literally, like seriously literally, about to pump me full of the epidrual, when…

4:25pm I tell the anesthesiologist he needs to stop because I’m having a baby. I roll over on my side and…

4:29pm With the next contraction Chase Kenneth Martin pops out.

So apparently the midwives, nurses, and doulas who do this for a living know what they are talking about. I stand corrected.

While I’m so happy I didn’t end up with the epidural because I was immediately able to move around as I wanted and unhooked from all monitors and solutions, I had to birth the placenta and get a few minor stitches sans epidural. Not fun. They do give you a few lidocaine shots to help with the stitches, but frankly they might as well have not. I did get to keep the nitrous during this part. They would not allow me to take it home to use (for myself) during toddler tantrums though.

And with that we became a family of four.

Greg and I hung out with Chase for the rest of the day and Grandma brought Paige over on Sunday after nap time. She was very uninterested at first, but after about an hour she asked to hold the baby.

Greg is home for two weeks but that’s about to come to an end. It’s been so much fun to have this family time, though I’m also excited to see how our new routines shake up, get back to my business, and watch this little guy grow and see who he becomes. I only wish I could freeze time for newborn cuddles. Knowing this is it for kids is bittersweet. I’m over the moon that Chase is who completed our family.

what I want to remember | month seven

I’m way behind here, since Paige is already eight months old. But still going to recap the last two months like I have all the previous ones. My memory has no clue what happened this month, so it’s solely based off photos. This is exactly why I’m documenting. 

I want to remember how big you look in a little dress. I’ve started dressing you in clothes other than onesies and pajamas and suddenly you aren’t such a baby.

I want to remember more adventures in babywearing – I got you on my back! This means I can do things like make dinner without you attacking the dog’s water bowl.

I want to remember that we tried a few new foods with you. You still aren’t really into solids, but we kept trying.

I want to remember that this was the end of your model pose phase. It was so hilarious while it lasted, I should make a collection of all the photos.

I want to remember taking you to Portland to meet Sloane, Lauren, and Stu. We had fun hanging out and letting you guys play.

IMG_1781I want to remember that you started picking toys out of your toy bin and having favorites.

IMG_1635I want to remember that you had your first eye doctor appointment. Because I am so blind, they had you come in for early intervention. So far you look good. 
IMG_1812I want to remember that you started pulling up on everything. You are not super stable yet so we follow you around like your shadow.

IMG_1803I want to remember your first time on a swing. You loved it! We were at Suncadia on a long walk while Dad was in a meeting and decided to explore the park. 

IMG_1790I want to remember that you started an infant class on Thursday afternoons. Also, you love to eat paper.
IMG_1738I want to remember that you now get very excited when Dad gets home from work. You are usually eating dinner and have a huge smile for him. You get very fussy when he walks out of the kitchen to put away his coat and shoes. IMG_1681I want to remember that we went to Denver and you played with your cousin Maks. He showed you how to use all the baby toys and I realized you are over all the newborn toys we have at home.


(one, three, five, and seven months)

I love you peanut.

what I want to remember|month six

Paige turned six months old on Friday, August 28th. A monthly recap is one of the ways I’m documenting her first year. Actually, it’s now one of two ways. I dropped Project Life earlier in the year, and this month I didn’t do my DITL post. I still have my one line a day book going and I’m just sneaking this month six update in before she turns seven months! You can read previous month recaps here: one, two, three, four, five.

IMG_1379_edited-1I want to remember that you are such a happy baby. You very rarely cry and you almost always have a big smile. I also want to remember your ‘model pose’. When you’re not moving, you stay still in this pose that cracks us all up.
IMG_1191_edited-1I want to remember that red hair that is starting to grow in. Who knows if you’ll stay red, but you are definitely going to be a ginger baby, just like your mama.IMG_1184_edited-1I want to remember that your dog is starting to tolerate you. That is progress, so we’ll take it. IMG_1180_edited-1I want to remember that getting you to nap takes more perseverance than anything I’ve ever done. I’m a well educated, successful woman and your resistance to napping breaks me down. A lot of days we end up in the car, going to Starbucks, and me reading in random parking lots while you sleep. IMG_1206_edited-1I want to remember hanging out at Grandma and Grandma Cathy’s house and you just started getting up on all fours like it was no big deal.

IMG_1255_edited-1I want to remember that we finally started getting cooler weather and baby wearing wasn’t quite as miserable. Love having you close to me.

IMG_1270_edited-1I want to remember your yoga moves! You are so damn strong. That’s not just me being a proud mama, Dr. Gita is constantly surprised by your strength. IMG_1299_edited-1I want to remember that we tried you in the stroller like a big kid for the first time. You seemed a lot more excited about it than when you’re in your carseat snapped into it.
IMG_1315_edited-1I want to remember that you started solids this month! We tried egg yolk, chicken broth, and bananas. You aren’t sure about bananas yet but I’m sure you’ll be on board soon enough. 
IMG_1399_edited-1I want to remember getting your passport photo. You are supposed to keep your mouth closed (clearly whoever makes the rules at the department of state does not have a child), but every time the gentleman raised the camera up you gave him a big smile. We’ll see if it passes next month when we get your passport. IMG_1409_edited-1I want to remember that we’re seeing the beginnings of a climber. You love to clamp on to any piece of furniture you can, and the bottom of your crib is a favorite. IMG_1403_edited-1I want to remember that you and your brother love spending time with your grandma.
IMG_1427_edited-1I want to remember the beginnings of baby proofing! We’ve removed a few cords that were very enticing and put plugs in the office outlets. More to come soon!

IMG_1448_edited-1I want to remember the teeth! You got your first two teeth this month and they are so dang cute. (They are not cute when they bite while nursing.)IMG_1471_edited-1I want to remember your sleeping face. It’s so peaceful, despite whatever it took to get you asleep. I could watch you sleep for hours. IMG_1414_edited-1I want to remember that I’m doing a good job of not taking myself to seriously. I tried a new carry one day and you ended up like this. Rather than get frustrated, I took a picture so I could share it with my baby wearing group. There is NO perfection in parenting.

Untitled-3I want to remember that you resemble your daddy so much. Here you both are around six months. You definitely have my coloring and petite size, but you have his face. IMG_1143_edited-1I want to remember that you like to roll yourself up like a burrito with your blankets. We’re not even putting them on the ground much anymore because you don’t actually stay on them.

I want to remember that you are starting to get the crawling motions down. It won’t be long before we have a real mover on our hands.
monthsixallI love you, Miss P. So excited for you to experience your first ever fall.

day in the life | august 2015

The 15th was on a weekend this month. I was excited to capture more of our story with Greg in it. It was one of those weekend days with nothing planned and nothing that absolutely had to get done. They are rare, but oh so nice. 

Here’s what Saturday, August 15th, 2015 looked like in our little world…

Paige has a cold and isn’t sleeping well. Sometime around 2am I give up trying to feed and/or rock her to sleep and just brought her in bed with us. She woke up ready to start the day at 7, her usual cheerful and babbling self.

We’ve turned out to be crunchier parents than we would have thought. Everyone getting sleep is much higher on our priority list than everyone sleeping where they are “supposed to”. We’re learning as we go, that’s for sure. IMG_1304_edited-1Greg changes Paige’s diaper. She is non stop movement these days so she gets buckled in on the changing table. The dryer is currently broken, which means we’re 100% disposable diapers. And here’s the thing: it’s awesome. You can now take away my previously awarded crunchy mama label. I’m not sure I’m going to go back to cloth once the dryer is fixed.
IMG_1305_edited-1A big part of the story of the last six months has been my milk supply and feeding Paige. First stop every morning is to my crazy pharmacy of supplements and drugs that keep me at about 75% of what P needs to eat. I take something at 8am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 2am every day. I constantly wonder if it’s worth it (yes) and how long I’ll keep it up (I don’t know). But for today, I take my 8am pills and move on.

IMG_1309_edited-1Weekend breakfast is always more fun than weekday. While Greg plays with Paige and reviews our monthly finances, I get to work making a sausage and sweet potato hash topped with fried eggs.
IMG_1310_edited-1 We shouldn’t even both to use blankets anymore. Paige immediately rolls off them (or up in them like a burrito) to explore anything more interesting than the toys we’ve set out. Right now she’s obsessed with anything hanging off of an object, like straps, tags, or laces. IMG_1314_edited-1This was a big morning – Paige’s first time with food other than breast milk! We started with soft boiled egg yolk. The spoons we had turned out to be too large so I fed her with my pinky. She seemed confused at first but then enjoyed a few bites.IMG_1315_edited-1Egg face! (And, while not pictured, for the first time ever Alfred showed real interest in Paige. We knew it would happen when food was involved and he didn’t let us down.)IMG_1329_edited-1All week I’ve been telling Greg about how great Paige has been napping. And then she makes a liar of me. We try the usual crib nap and get no where. Plan B, the swing nap. Nope, not having any of this, Mom.  IMG_1358_edited-1We give up on nap time and go downstairs to get dressed for the day and fold clothes. These cuties take selfies while I finish up the folding. IMG_1332_edited-1And then we have nap success! We use a DropCam as our monitor so it’s easy to pop it up on an iPad or phone and see how she’s doing. 

IMG_1334_edited-1Yes, we still have a dog. He is not neglected but I’m sure he could use a little more love. We try.IMG_1335_edited-1After nap time, Paige nurses then we top her off with extra milk. We’re getting near the end of our donor milk stash and I haven’t been able to find anymore, so we’ll see what the next step is. One day at a time.
IMG_1336_edited-1We start to walk to our local pub for lunch but are thwarted with a flat tire on the stroller. Our air pump isn’t working so it’s time for our second plan B of the day. 

IMG_1339_edited-1Paige agrees that you can never go wrong with Mexican. In fact, it’s offensive to call it plan B.IMG_1340_edited-1 What these pictures don’t show you is how snippy Greg and I were getting with each other before lunch. We have started eating breakfast much earlier (thanks to that cute little 12 pounder), but forget to move lunch earlier too. Can you tell we were both hangry? IMG_1344_edited-1Back at home Greg breaks out his father’s day gift, a giant Simpsons Lego set. It has over 2000 pieces! I’ve never played with Lego (that I remember), so I decide to join in the fun. I have to stop teasing Greg about his revived childhood hobby because it’s fun. It’s a type A’s dream – a little instruction booklet where you follow all the rules. I thought we couldn’t be nerdier than we are, but we’ve outdone ourselves. 

We take a break from relaxation to clean the kitchen, change laundry, and clean all the cardboard and old paint out of the garage.IMG_1349_edited-1 Then we hop right back into relaxation mode. We are finishing up season 2 of the Americans – so good! Also, another currently: our living room is half decorated. I replaced almost all of the furniture then stalled on progress so there is nothing on the walls or any decorations really. (That chair is also just there temporarily to make room at the table for our Lego project.)IMG_1352_edited-1We decide to be good dog parents and take Alfred for a walk. He immediately starts running like a crazy man when we get outside. Whoops, probably should have gone on a walk sooner. On the walk we stop in at our local toy shop and pick up a birthday gift for our nephew. IMG_1353_edited-1It’s time to eat again! (No, I do not cook much on weekends.) I’ve been wanting sushi for a while and we call into our local place and pick up. We’re not going to push our luck taking Paige to a restaurant twice in one day. 

Something I love about this photo is our sauce selection. Greg has something normal that I’ve twisted just a bit but he probably has no idea (tamari versus soy sauce) and I’m using something weird (coconut aminos). Pretty much how food typically works in our family.IMG_1354_edited-1Alfred was needing some love as we ate dinner and squeezed himself between the couch and Greg. Oh buddy, we are trying so hard. Just remember, it gets easier every day for all of us.
IMG_1356_edited-1After dinner we take Paige down to bed. I love her bedtime routine. We play, change into pajamas, and read a book. She usually managed a few minutes of naked time before the PJs go on. But the real highlight is the book. She squeals and lays down next to whomever is reading the book that night. It’s just the best.

Greg straightens up the house and does the dishes while I feed Paige and put her to sleep. Then we collapse on the couch, settling in to relax. You may have noticed that P never took another nap. 45 minutes total today, which is crazy low and very exhausting for all parties involved, or so you would think…

Someone wakes up every twenty minutes. This cold is slowly killing us all. After an hour and a half of trying to get her to sleep for any decent amount of time I decide to just go to bed and take her with me.

Any day that ends with snuggling twelve pounds of sunshine is a good one in my book.

(If you noticed that Greg and I both wore gray Slalom shirt all day, Greg would like you to know that he got dressed first. I would like you to know that I’m still in a very awkward stage of having nothing to wear, so I go with what’s clean.)


august goals

IMG_5730_edited-2I’ve been a terrible blogger lately and don’t see that changing in August (but hopefully it will in September!). It’s silly, but putting these goals on here makes me much more likely to complete them so I’m going to keep doing it.

To recap July…

Lose some damn baby weight. I ended up deciding on a Sunday that I was going to start a Whole30 the next day. It was a great decision. I just finished this Tuesday. I lost six pounds. While I firmly believe that the scale is simply a numeric value of your relationship with gravity that day (and influenced by a zillion factors), it’s nice to see the number go down. A few of my shorts fit now and I feel like I’m on the right track. I also really saw improvement in falling asleep quickly and in not wanting sugar quite as much. Win all around. I had fun recapping a tip a day (most days) on my Instagram feed.

Create a plan for building out my business website. Nope. Until my internship is finished, I think it’s safe to say that I just won’t have the time to work on this. And that’s fine, it will come at some point.

Moving on to August…

Use my Barre3 classes. Last summer I purchased a set of five Barre3 classes for a ‘deal’. Well, they are only deal if you actually use them and a year later I have three left. The expiration date is August 31st, so I need to get my butt into the studio and use them by the end of the month.

Finish Paige’s quilt. Back in May I bought and cut all the fabric to make Paige a quilt. It’s taking up a bunch of room in our office closet and I need to actually turn the pile of triangles into a blanket. I’m really excited about it because it’s going to be the most cheerful quilt ever, I just need to stop procrastinating and get to work.

Short and simple this month. I’ve got a lot of stuff around the house that needs to get done and I’m still putting in hours on the internship. There isn’t a ton of time for extras but if I focus I can knock these out.

what I want to remember|month five

Paige turned five months old on Tuesday, July 28th. A monthly recap is one of the ways I’m documenting her first year. You can read previous month recaps here: one, two, three, four.

IMG_1072_edited-1I want to remember your first trip to the orchard, which also was your first time as a wedding guest. We went to visit Gramps and Grandma Cathy and to go to Zach and Betul’s wedding. You were the perfect wedding guest and had lots of fun visiting at the orchard house, showing off all your new skills. IMG_0919 (1)_edited-1I want to remember your first fourth of July. We spent it on Camano Island with the Holland family, relaxing and enjoying good food. Becca took this adorable picture of you that reminds me I need to get out the big camera from time to time. IMG_1143_edited-1I want to remember the rolling. You roll all day long. It’s definitely your favorite skill right now. I don’t know why I bother to put you on a blanket because you either immediately roll off of it to explore the rug or you grab the side and roll yourself into a baby burrito. We need to start vacuuming more. IMG_0984_edited-1I want to remember the snuggles. You are way too busy to snuggle up on us normally so baby wearing has become extra special. It’s the only time you’ll ever stop and lay your head down on my chest these days. I’m so glad you’re curious about the world around you but I also love the moments you slow down just a little.
IMG_1067_edited-1I want to remember that you are able to sit up. It only lasts a few seconds, but it’s fun to watch you take in the new view. You don’t seem to be excited about this skill as we are (why sit when you can be rolling??), but I know soon enough you’ll love it.
IMG_1052_edited-1I want to remember (?) your first visit to the ER. You came down with a case of petechia and the nurse’s helpline told us to bring you in for testing. There was a chance it could have been something serious, but luckily it turned out to be a random occurrence. You did have to get poked on all four appendages for them to draw blood. Dad was a champion and stayed with you while I had to roam the halls because I couldn’t watch.IMG_1019_edited-1I want to remember that every month we get out of the house a little more. This month we took you to brunch in West Seattle. (No one needs to know that we’d been up long enough that it was actually our second meal of the day.) Do you have your daddy’s chin and cheeks or what? You also have his dimples which I am SO excited about. There is nothing like a sweet girl with dimples.IMG_1007_edited-1I want to remember that naps have gotten so much easier. You mostly sleep in your crib for them and if that doesn’t work we try the swing or baby wearing. You still sleep about every two hours for a total of three naps a day.
IMG_1065_edited-1I want to remember how much you love Alfred. It’s an unrequited love as he’s pretty much indifferent to you. You watch him walk around a room and are always trying to touch him when he passes by you. He only allows it when you are sitting with Grandma because he must sit next to her as well. I’m sure in time you two will be BFFs.
IMG_1032_edited-1I want to remember that even though you can’t crawl, you can move around a room like nobody’s business. You roll and scoot to get wherever you want and often times find yourself stuck. I love watching you explore. 

I want to remember the week you were all about beat boxing. The sounds you can make are hilarious. IMG_0828 (1)_edited-1I want to remember that this has been one of the hottest summers on record in Seattle. It’s pretty miserable in our house (usually in the big 80s), but we are dealing. We met Addie and Dylan from our mommy group at the wading pool one Sunday to cool down. You really enjoyed splashing your feet in the water. 

IMG_0830_edited-1I want to remember that you were most definitely the USWNT’s good luck charm for the World Cup. We watched all the games. I’m really enjoying watching women’s soccer now and can’t wait to take you to Seattle Reign games when you are older. The world is your oyster, baby girl.

IMG_0870 (1)_edited-1I want to remember that you found your feet! You can now get them into your mouth for a tasty snack as well. Dad and I thought this was quite the feat (ha) until we both tried it one night and we too can get our big toes to our mouths. We did not try to snack though.IMG_0883_edited-1I want to remember that you’ve realized we have items on our body that you can remove. You were so excited when you got my glasses and you also enjoy necklaces an hair. IMG_0926 (1)_edited-1I want to remember the smiles. You are generally a very happy baby and getting you to smile doesn’t take much at all.

I want to remember the laughs. You don’t give these nearly as generously as the smiles and we have to work for them. Alfred is the biggest recipient and when he’s playing with a certain red toy you can’t help yourself but laugh. We have no idea why, but we love it.

monthfiveallI love you, PC. Let’s enjoy the rest of summer.

day in the life | july 2015

Another ordinary day in our life this month. Greg was traveling for work so it was just me, the kiddo, and the doodle at home. 

Here’s what Wednesday, July 15th, 2015 looked like in our little world…IMG_0935_edited-1Greg is out of town, so I bring Paige into bed with me after her 5:30am feeding. I had a rough night of sleep, and can’t blame P for it. I broke my electronics rule and checked email after a middle of the night feeding only to find something annoying around our condo refinance. I knew I’d have to deal with in the morning and tossed and turned. When I finally fell back asleep around 4:30, the smoke alarm in the office went off for no apparent reason.

We manage to sleep until 8:45 thankfully. We’re on day three of Dad traveling and I’m beat. Single moms are rockstars. When he’s gone I really realize how nice it is when he’s home!
IMG_0938_edited-1Hers and hers. We get Paige changed and dressed for the day and head upstairs for breakfast. For me it’s coffee, eggs, soup, and cantaloupe. I don’t have to do any cooking today as over the weekend I prepped every meal for the three days Greg is gone.

Paige gets boob + bottle. My supply is still not great and we supplement anywhere from two to six ounces each day. So far we’ve kept her off formula and I’m so thankful for all the mamas out there who donate their extra milk.
IMG_0940_edited-1She loves to help hold her bottle. She can’t actually hold it yet, but she puts her little hands on it and tries. This morning she actually didn’t want any extra milk so maybe my latest supplement (#5) is working?

IMG_0942_edited-1After breakfast P plays while I try to organize the desk. I’ve had a very unproductive week and decide that my best bet for the morning is to clean off the desk and get things organized. Maybe that will spur me into action? 

Her smiles kill me (in the best way possible). Anytime you look at her she breaks out into a huge grin and if you move towards her it gets even bigger. No wonder I’m getting nothing done!


Around 10:30 we head downstairs for nap time. The biggest change from last month is that P takes naps in her crib. I don’t have to wear her for every nap! I still do sometimes because I love the snuggles, but I also love the breaks.

We nurse, drink our bottle from breakfast plus another ounce, and rock for a solid 35 minutes. Nothing. Just staring at me wide eyed. I put her in the crib to see if she’ll fall asleep on her own and head back to my office project.
IMG_0945_edited-1Nope. Twenty minutes later she’s started to cry. I get her and bring her back upstairs, trying the swing to see if it has any sleepy dust. Nope. But that smile. Still killing me. She happily swings for NINETY MINUTES but won’t fall asleep. I eat lunch and continue to organize the office, work through the refi issue, and try to find someone to finally fix our oven. IMG_0949_edited-1Paige starts fussing around 12:45 and we snuggle on the couch for her lunch. She eats for two minutes then passes out. Not shocking since she’s been awake for four hours, instead of her normal two. The nap is great except that we need to leave in 15 minutes to meet a friend. I contemplate canceling our walk plans with Talia, but decide I really need to get out of the house and talk to an adult.

We pack up, including the doodle, and head to Ballard. 
After picking up Talia we arrive at Discovery Park. I’m in need of a good walk and so is Alfred. Paige almost immediately falls back asleep in the carrier so I don’t feel too bad about interrupting her nap. IMG_0954_edited-1Thankful for friends who are by my side as I figure out this mama thing. Also thankful to live somewhere so beautiful. 
IMG_0958_edited-1We arrive back home around 3:30 and I figure I better make my smoothie and freeze some more fruit. I do not like smoothies (and I don’t really love fruit), but my latest supplement is much cheaper in powder form. It’s way too gross to choke down just mixed in water so I’ve been having it in a smoothie, in my breakfast soup, and in my chili at night. I have to get five 1/2 teaspoon servings in each day. 

IMG_0960_edited-1I haven’t had a chance to get the dry cleaning in this week so I pack P in the stroller and we walk to the cleaners to drop it off. We rarely use the stroller, so I figure this is a good way to put the several hundred dollar contraption to use. The stroller is fine, she and I just much prefer baby wearing right now.

IMG_0966_edited-1After the short walk to the dry cleaners we’re back in the office. I easily spend 75% of my waking hours in this room. While I finish organizing, I set Paige on the pink blanket. I look up a few minutes later and she’s maneuvered herself to her play mat. That’s the first time I’ve noticed her move with intention. It’s crazy how she is just learning new skills left and right.
IMG_0967_edited-1 Around 6pm P falls asleep in her swing. The evening nap is always a short catnap so I grab my dinner and read for a few minutes. IMG_0968_edited-1The evening nap is always a short catnap so I grab my dinner quickly and read for a few minutes. Still trying hard to read rather than play on the internet when I have a few spare moments. Some days are better than others. IMG_0975_edited-1We have a bedtime routine now, which is really fun and a family affair as Alfred usually likes to join in as well. When Paige starts to get cranky, usually around 7:30, we head down to her bedroom.

She gets down to her diaper and we have a little playtime on the floor. We change her and put on her pajamas and then Greg and I switch nights picking out and reading the book. Tonight we read Goodnight Gorilla. We’re having fun going through her little library.

I nurse her/give her a bottle until she falls asleep and then transfer her into her crib, where she sleeps now! . She’s out by 8:30 (and usually sleeps for four or five hours. In total she sleep about 12 hours with three wake-ups).

I head back upstairs to clean the kitchen and straighten the house. I’m feeling a little wired so I read until Greg gets home from the airport and we head to bed around 10:45.

july goals

julygoalsStarting off with a recap of what I did in June…

Learn to use my ring sling.  I did learn to use the ring sling that my sister gifted Paige and I, but it turns out baby girl is not a huge fan of slings. She likes to kick her legs and pop the seat (meaning the fabric is no longer in a nice little seat for her, keeping her safe). She especially enjoys doing so while we’re walking home from the store with a bag of groceries. Towards the end of the month I bought our first woven wraps and they are amazing. So much easier to carry her around in (than the Moby) now that she’s not a newborn, but still light enough for summer. My sister has been a huge help and I’m obsessed. #wearallthebabies

Fit into my summer wardrobe. Nope. The clothes don’t fit. On a positive note, I did kick the sugar cravings I’ve had since Paige was born. So that is progress. But there definitely needs to be more, and soon.

Spend ten hours a week on nutrition. Yes. I’m having a lot of fun working with the Paleo for Women team. I’m learning so much about how a blog operates and I hope I can take that knowledge and turn it into something concrete of my own. Baby steps.

Enjoy a family vacation with no expectations. Ha. Okay, I’m going to try to not sound ungrateful for spending a week in Maui. But we learned an expensive lesson in baby traveling. Don’t do it. 🙂 It was awesome having Greg around for nine days straight but we really just moved our Seattle life to Maui for a week where it was incredibly hot and humid. It wasn’t exactly vacationing.

And in July, I hope to…

Lose some damn baby weight. I’ve given myself a few chances and not called it out, but those haven’t really worked. So here’s the deal, I weigh the exact same as I did at my two week postpartum appointment. Which is twenty pounds more than I usually weigh. While I do have some nice cleavage going on, the girls are not ten pounds bigger each. Typically I think the scale is dumb and not an accurate way to measure health, but sometimes it doesn’t lie. And this is one of those times.

Create a plan for building out my business website. The doer in me wants to make this “create my website”, but between being a SAHM and my part time internship, I just don’t have the time. What I can do though is create an action plan and tackle this in a structured way. It might turn out that I can’t feasibly finish this until 2016 and that’s okay. Once I have a plan I can start chipping away at it with my goals in mind.

My goals this month are pretty short and sweet. I decided to stop here (I have about 800 others I wanted to include) because I’d actually like to do each of the above. There are a million fun craft projects I’d love to do, but I’m going to make these two goals a priority and knock them out.

what I want to remember|month four

Paige turned four months old on Sunday, June 28th. A monthly recap is the main way I’m documenting her first year. You can read previous month recaps here: one, two, three.

IMG_0766-1_edited-1I want to remember our first family vacation. To be honest, kiddo, it’s going to be a while before we take you on vaca again, but there were highlights. Having Dad with us for nine days in a row was awesome. You travel well and slept like a champ most of the trip. You indulged us with several meals at Fred’s. We have no complaints but we’re all happy to be home.

IMG_0721-1_edited-1I want to remember your first time in a pool. It didn’t last long, but it was fun to take you in and let you kick your legs. You had no idea what was going on, but I imagine that next summer pools are going to be one of your favorite things.

IMG_0027-1_edited-1I want to remember that we also tried the ocean out for a few minutes, but since Dad and I aren’t big beach people (and the humidity was about 1000%), that was mostly for the photo op (that turned out… great).

IMG_0755-1_edited-1I want to remember your dad’s first Father’s Day. You guys have so much fun together and he is an awesome dad. It was our first day in Hawaii and we mostly just relaxed. We brought him coffee and breakfast in bed and you gave him a picture of his present (a new Lego set).

I want to remember the sleep roller coaster. Sort of. The month started off on a high and ended on a low. Someday you will sleep and I will sleep, until then I’ll keep hoping tonight is going to be a good night.

I want to remember that the highlight of this last month was you learning so, so many new things.


I want to remember that you leaned to play with toys. You love your bunny, a gift from one of your future BFFs, Sloane. You also love “o” balls, a wooden rattle, and the toys that hang on your floor mat. You spend about half your time putting them in your mouth and half your time playing with them as intended.

I want to remember that you learned to laugh. You’ve only done it a few times and mostly at your cousin Maks because apparently you have a thing for 2.5 year old humor and very aggressive tickling. I can’t wait to hear more of that sweet noise.

I want to remember that you learned to roll over. And now you do it all day every day. There’s no such thing as back time or tummy time any longer. You prefer to be in the opposite of whichever one I put you in.
IMG_0449_edited-1I want to remember that you met the rest of your family. We took a second trip to Denver and you met Uncle Joey, Aunt Brittany, Avery, and Benji. Aunt Britt would hold you for hours if we let her (and we totally would if she lived closer).

IMG_0393-1_edited-1I want to remember that we took you to your first Sounders game. We had so much fun sharing something we enjoy with you, even if you slept through 85 of the 90 minutes (which we were very happy about). I hope you love it as much as we do as you get older and want to keep joining us.

IMG_0376-1_edited-1I want to remember all the grandma time that you get with Grandma Berta. She is always willing to come over and hold you while I get a few things done around the house. She’s also your babysitter so dad and I can get out of the house now and then and we are very thankful for that.

I want to remember that you started sleeping in Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit. It’s so silly (the name and the look), but damn it works. For the first time in your four months with us you are napping on your own. After 3.5 months of having you nap on me (either holding you or wrapping you), I was so ready for a break. I love you to death, but these short breaks a few times a day are helping me find my sanity.

monthfour_edited-1I love you, Cheeks. So excited to see what you learn this month.

day in the life | june 2015

I’m glad I captured a day like today, a very ordinary and routine day. Groundhog like. Nothing terribly interesting happened today, but it’s a very accurate depiction of life right now. 

Here’s what Monday, June 15th, 2015 looked like in our little world…

Sleep. Is it possible to be the parent of a child under two and not talk about sleep non-stop? God help me, please tell me it ends at two. The last few days have brought with them a set of new skills (laughing, rolling over, trying to sit up) and we’ve had to ditch our most valuable sleep tool (the swaddle) thanks to the rolling over. Sleep hasn’t been great.

Last night Paige woke up six times between 8:09pm and 6:20am. Greg isn’t feeling well and I didn’t want to wake him so it was a bit of a long night.

I put her back down after her 6:20 feeding and got up for the day. I love that I have some time to myself in the mornings now. She wakes anytime between 6 and 7 and goes back down for another hour or two.


Time for coffee and breakfast (three eggs, scrambled, with salsa verde). 


I like to start the day with an empty dishwasher. This way I can add my dishes as I go and they aren’t sitting in the sink to be dealt with later. IMG_0546_edited-1

This morning I am able to work for almost two hours. I sped time on my internship, finish the latest two rounds of thank you notes for Paige gifts (we are blown away by the generosity of friends and family), and start working on my continuous education credits for my NTP certification. Nothing like a little small intestine webinar before 9am, right?

IMG_0557_edited-1Paige stirs right around 9am and I head down to get her. This is probably my favorite two minutes of every day. She wakes up with a confused look on her face, and then once she’s able to see me (or Greg on a weekend) and focus she bursts out into a huge smile. Makes every wake up every night worth it.


Paige is so alert these days, which is really fun. Except that it means everything, especially feeding, takes forever because she wants to look around. IMG_0564_edited-1

It’s going to be 84* today in Seattle, so after breakfast we break out some adorable summer clothes sent by her great aunt and uncle, Sue and Al. IMG_0569_edited-1

Getting ready for me today means just a shower and brushing my teeth. This weekend I had my hair chopped into a messy bob (#momhairdon’tcare) and I want to see how it dries on its own (verdict: I’ll be making time for a quick blow dry going forward).

After we’re ready I load Paige into our ring sling and we walk to the store to buy some fresh fruits and veggies for the week. She finally falls asleep when we’re about one minute from home on the way back.


It’s only 11am but I ate breakfast early and am starving, so it’s an early lunchtime. Pork verde I found in the freezer, a pint of blackberries, and sweet potatoes. Yes, it’s baby food. I’ve found the more carbs I eat (fruits and starchy veg) the better my milk supply is and when I don’t have time to make them myself I have no shame eating baby food. IMG_0630_edited-1

Paige sleeps through my lunch (she might have got a bit of pork on the forehead) and I get in a bit of work. I love having the opportunity to be working in the nutrition space this summer, even if it is for free.


This girl decides that today’s morning nap will be only one hour instead of the usual two. At least she woke up in a good mood. IMG_0637_edited-1

We play on the floor for a bit with her colorful butterfly until it’s time to leave for the post office and chiropractor appointment. IMG_0654_edited-1

Paige loves playing on the paper at the chiropractor’s office. We go twice a week for baby cranial sacral massage and it’s amazing how well it’s helping her digestive issues. Hopefully we can stop at some point (it makes afternoon naps tricky), but for now it’s a big help. IMG_0657_edited-1We are back home around 3pm and I put Paige in her swing. She’s exhausted at this point and quickly falls asleep. I settle in to get some work done, but her little eyes pop open about thirty minutes later. Not going to win the nap game today, I guess.


Our first baby is hanging out downstairs in our bedrooms today since it’s so warm. IMG_0663_edited-1The mystery of why the bottom of my skirts have been wet lately is solved when I look down from making a few lists to see Paige shoving my skirt in her mouth. It’s about 4:30 and this is when the countdown to dad coming home starts.
IMG_0665_edited-1Sometimes after 5pm we go up in our new woven wrap and walk around until Paige falls asleep. It lasts about 30 minutes, until big brother loses his sh!t when dad gets home from work and starts barking and running around. Sigh.IMG_0678_edited-1

It’s dinner time for the pup (half a can of Grammy’s Pot Pie)… IMG_0679_edited-1

… and for the humans (chicken verde and salad with peppers and mango). No, I did not intend to have every meal include verde sauce. Just what happens when I pull stuff out of the freezer instead of cooking.

IMG_0681_edited-1After dinner it’s family work time in the office for a bit,

IMG_0684_edited-1followed by play time. 


Right at 8pm we take Paige down to get ready for bed. Now that she can roll over we no longer swaddle her. She sleeps in Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit. Yes, you will fall for any marketing when you’re on night three of your unswaddled kid not sleeping, but in all honestly this ridiculous thing works really well. IMG_0688_edited-1After nursing and getting her extra few ounces of milk she’s out. I put her down in our room and it’s time for my mad scramble. I clean up, pump, water the garden, and get ready for bed. By 9:30 I’m in bed and falling asleep. I try to be in bed within an hour of when she goes down. Greg stays up a bit later to clean up the house, let the dog out, and finish up from his day.