Tag Archives: goals

a little goal wrap-up

I tried a new goal system for the month of August (the second half, actually) and it worked for me. I would love get back to biting off bigger, seasonal goals but right now this is working. And I like sticking with what works.

I am happy with where I ended August. I got back into meal planning and cooking and absolutely love exercising again. Four times a week feels like a perfect amount – enough that I need to plan and prioritize, but not so much that I am stressed by it. Right now I’m all about prenatal yoga. I’m going to two studios and also mixing in long walks with the dog and some Barre3 online workouts.

IMG_5995-1_edited-1The blanket is done! Holy cow it was a labor of love, but love it I do. It will get it’s own post soon enough. I also made a ton of progress with school work. I didn’t get to check off my first goal, but all that is left is the second half of Omnivore’s Dilemma and I’m getting through it quickly. My community project is outlined and the first of six sections is written.

IMG_6002-1_edited-1As I wrote out goals for September they felt too tactical. More like a to-do list than actual goals. But I stepped back and realized that I’m in the final throws of part one of my huge goal to change careers and move into the nutrition field. Obtaining my NTP certification is the first step in that process and I’m down to the last seven weeks – of course it feels tactical right now.

Most of my month will be spent getting ready for my final weekend of class. I tried to throw in a few additional goals that will actually be doable. My OLW project was last updated in April, so I’m just a little behind. I went with “make progress” versus “finish x number of months” so that any progress will be a win. And lastly, I want to use my big camera a few times. It’s collecting dust on our bookshelf right now and crying out to be used.

Happy (and productive!) September, friends. And a very happy 26th birthday to my little sister!

menu monday: back at it

It’s been a while since I’ve done a menu monday post, for no reason other than I haven’t menu planned in a very long time. Over the weekend I made a few goals for the rest of August and one of them is to get back to weekly menu planning. Not menu planning (and traveling, etc.) has lead to really sub-par eating the last month or two. I’m ready to get back to eating what makes me feel good and I know from experience that for me this requires being organized and planning ahead. IMG_5914_edited-1

breakfast: Leftover Southwest Frittata from last week; hard-boiled eggs with mayo and hot sauce. Lately I’ve been adding 1/2 an avocado and a good-sized serving of sauerkraut to my meal.


Weekend breakfast: diced sweet potato, eggs, avocado, sauerkraut.

lunch: Salmon salad with veggies*; lamb stir-fry with middle eastern seasoning and veggies. I used canned salmon with skin and bones + a little mayo and a ton of chopped veggies to make my “salad”.

dinner: Greek Beef Stew over veggies; slow cooker spare ribs with veg.


Greek stew over sautéed cabbage.

bonus: My CSA box had tomatillos this week, which I’ve never worked with before. It was fun to try something new (and easy). First I removed husks, cut in half, and broiled them for 4 minutes. Then they were turned into salsa verde and tossed in the crockpot with two pounds of chicken thighs for emergency protein in the freezer (based on this recipe).



I might never buy salsa verde again – it was so easy to make and tasted amazing.

*I’m still in love with my weekly CSA box and find it easier to not “assign” veggies to each meal and instead pick whatever needs to be used next (or sounds good) to go with the protein de jour.

I’m all about keeping things simple right now and limiting the number of recipes I cook versus meals that can be prepped without a recipe or specific ingredients. I’m also looking for recipes that make a good amount of leftovers to maximize my cooking time. Down the road (i.e. when school is done and it’s not ten million degrees in our house every day), I’m hoping to get back to cooking through Well Fed 2 and having more time in the kitchen. For now though, my goal simply is to start eating better.

Summe 2013 Bucket List: Recap!

blog-summer-2013 copyI am so happy I created a bucket list for this summer. Two to three months is my sweet spot for goal planning and making every day count. I think I will keep it going and not try to get back into yearly goals, which never seem to work for me.

This summer was amazing: the weather, what we accomplished, the places and people we were able to visit. I’m sad it’s winding down but I’m thankful I have my PL album to look back on that last few months.

1. Use our ice cream machine to make coconut milk ice cream. Many flavors. // Well, the many flavors didn’t happen, but I did manage to squeeze in vanilla coconut milk ice cream over Labor Day weekend. Greg went au natural, while Becky and I dressed ours up in root beer floats. It was delicious and easy, but I’m glad it requires planning ahead and at least 8 hours to complete. We don’t need ice cream at the ready around here.


2. Finish the front yard and get it to a point where it’s just maintenance. // We did it! We spent several weekends weeding, trimming, mowing, and laying bark. Then we handed the yard over to our wonderful new gardner who is making it shine.


3. Stop wasting food (i.e. use all the food I buy & defrost). Keep summer cooking simple. // I definitely improved though there’s still room for more improvement. Food was simple over the summer but I still found myself cleaning out dead vegetables a few times. Work in progress.

4. Try ten new BBQ recipes. // Going into the summer, I thought this would be what I was most excited to work on. Turns out I really like simple BBQ. Meat + seasoning + veggies = awesome dinner. Recipes mean more grocery shopping, prepping, and cooking. We ate some good food, but going forward I’m sticking to the simplest meals possible on the grill. They are our favorite. lili_PC1_photocollage10_6P

5. Get a fun family self picture. // Not everyone (ahem, husband.) is as into this photo as I am, but I LOVE it. We spent our summer walking with the doodle and this captures it so very well.


6. Make a fire in our front yard fire pit. Potentially make s’mores. // Done and done. Only once, but with friends and it was fun. And tasty.


7. Walk fifty miles with Alfred (basically, get back in the habit of after work walks). // We did it! By far my favorite bucket list item this summer. We tried new parks, walked with Greg and friends, walked when we were out of town, pretty much walked, walked, walked. The three of us did out fiftieth mile, a lap around “our” park, on Labor Day morning.


8. Hang art in the office. // We got the map wall and I’m calling that success. Greg’s desk has art hanging above it as well, but I haven’t finished mine yet.


9. Learn to give myself a decent pedicure. // Nope. Didn’t even think about this after I wrote it on the list.

10. Make pull-up progress. // I did! I moved down a band size (smaller band = less help getting up) for WODs, from purple to black. For volume training, I stopped using a band and started doing negative pull-ups (jumping up, then slowly lowering myself down), which I’ve been told is the last step to *finally* getting that one single pull-up on my own.

the week in food: fall edition

With the start of fall* this week, I’m craving routine. I thought I would bring back my weekly menus after taking a break from even creating them this summer. This week’s menu has two key components:

  1. It’s Whole30 compliant. I’ve found that I really struggle with getting back in my groove after travel. Since we tend to be away from home often, this is becoming a problem. I’m going to try to eat extremely clean (Whole30 guidelines) for three to five days post travel and hope that helps me transition from vacation to everyday eating.
  2. 90% of the menu was made before we left for San Francisco. It never fails that when we get home we continue eating out because there’s no food in the house and nothing is defrosted. With a little planning the week before, and a little extra effort, I have all the meals for the week waiting for us in the freezer.

This is a short week because we’ll be traveling Saturday and Sunday. Also, because it’s all make ahead, there’s very little variety. For breakfast and lunch I picked meals I know I love so I won’t get tired of them on the fourth and fifth days. For dinner, I am trying something new so fingers crossed we like it.

I have a quick shopping list on my phone for the fresh produce I need; in a perfect world we’ll stop at the store on the way home from the airport. There is also a (very) short to do list waiting for me in the kitchen with a list of the remaining prep work. Yes, I’m a freak. But I’m determined to lose my post-wedding weight and need to be this organized to keep myself on track!

Breakfast: southwest frittata or chorizo casserole. Bake, cool, slice (six-ish servings per), wrap each individually in foil, and store in the freezer.  I’ll add a few slices of avocado and a mug of tea.

Lunch: chocolate chili. This freezes so well it’s always my go to when I want a few meals in the freezer. I store individual servings so I don’t have an excuse if I forget to defrost before leaving for work. I eat it over baby spinach (pour the hot chili over the spinach to wilt it just a bit – so good!) and with a small side salad.

Dinner: pizza soup + pumpkin and butternut squash stew (not together). Pizza soup is easy, delicious, and uses freezer and cupboard staples so can always be thrown together. I’m trying a new stew this week because I wanted to find a clean freezer to crockpot meal. I’m hoping this is a good one. It took me maybe 15 minutes to throw together and now it’s sitting in my freezer waiting to be dumped into the crockpot on Tuesday morning. I’l add a side of sautéed spinach to the stew; pizza soup is a stand alone meal. IMG_3207_edited-1I have high hopes for this new-to-me method of meal prep. If it turns out, I’m going to be paleo-fying pretty much every freezer crockpot meal I can find.

Tip of the week: I made a butternut squash soup once years ago. Cubing the squash was a mess and took forever. I’m not exactly sure where I went wrong, but I’ve avoided it since. Before prepping the stew I googled tips; I followed these instructions and it was a breeze.

*While she was visiting recently, I converted my sister to believing that fall starts the day after Labor Day. Now to convert the rest of the six billion people on earth that an arbitrary day in late September is silly. However, I still get to be giddy over the fact that our anniversary is the official globally-recognized first day of fall.

summer goal : fire & s’mores

we had the foremans and kays over for a bbq on friday night, the perfect start to a weekend.IMG_2914_edited-1the previous owners left wood in the fireplace and i was determined to have a least one fire this summer. greg did not disappoint and got an awesome fire going.


my extra credit goal (what, you don’t have those?) was to make s’mores.

cameron made himself not one but two s’mores. it was our first time having friends’ kids over to our house. apparently grapefruit pellegrino in a coffee mug is not a six year old’s idea of a soda treat. lesson learned.IMG_2910_edited-1

this city girl taught these country people how to roast marshmallows the LA way : on coat hangers. IMG_2913

summer perfection.

Project Life: Week Nine

I was feeling very springy last week, which is funny because the weather took a turn for the craptastic this week and it’s decidedly unspringy. But I went with and tried to make pages light and cheerful for the week. With daffodils blooming in our front yard, there’s no time for anything but happy. Those are daffodils, right?

I’m loving my date stamps. I’d thought about doing them at the beginning of the year and didn’t and finally splurged on the $4.99 to buy them. I’m really looking forward to Daylight Savings Time so I’ll have a chance of decent pictures on weeknights and not only on the weekend. The only other new item for this week is that I’m trying to make it less “me” and more “us” so I asked Greg to take a few pictures while he was in Denver so I can include moments from his week as well.

PL_2013_Week9A PL_2013_Week9B

The Mom Creative

March Goals

March GoalsIt must the the feeling of spring in our front yard making me optimistic that I can tackle this list in March. Ten just seemed like a nice round number.

  1. Use my pressure cooker. (leftover from February)
  2. Clean out the garage. (leftover from February)
  3. Get to the gym 17 times.
  4. Paint the living room.
  5. Stand at work for one hour a day.
  6. Take my vitamins daily.
  7. Consume no dairy.
  8. Go on a gift card date with one of the many restaurant gift cards we have in our stash.
  9. Watch one of the Best Picture nominees (we’ve only seen Lincoln) & use our popcorn machine.
  10. Buy a BBQ for the front yard.

February Goals

1. Clean out the garage. We’re getting there, but it’s nowhere near done. All the recycling from moving and opening wedding gifts is finally gone so that’s a good step, but we still have boxes to unpack, Goodwill runs to make, and shelves to put up and organize.

2. Average eight hours of sleep per night. I actually made a lot of progress with sleep. Now that I have my Lark, I know I need to schedule about nine hours for sleep in order to get eight (it’s so awesome being a crappy sleeper). I’m getting to bed earlier on the weeknights and trying not to schedule any early morning weekend activities so I can sleep in. In general I’m not drinking much these days which is helping me stay asleep throughout the night.

3. Use my pressure cooker. Nope.

4. Buy no new Project Life supplies. I think I bought a few things, but nothing like January. Progress?

5. Get to the gym 15 times. I made it 12, or an average of three times per week. Not too bad, considering we were out of town one weekend and I started the month off with the flu.

I’m liking these monthly goals over yearly resolutions so I think I’ll keep it up. Time to figure out the March goals.

Hello, January!


I might have finally moved away from new year’s resolutions, but I can’t go a full year without setting some goals. I decided on monthly goals, loosely organized around home, finances, fitness, food, and photography. These are totally subject to change, but right now they make sense to me. So here’s what’s on my plate for January:

Home – we are mostly unpacked (there are a few boxes from my old San Francisco apartment in the garage left), but my closets and dresser are a mess. I’d like to conquer my clothes closet and my dresser, and an added bonus would be to organize the hall closet, the coat closet, and my pantry.

Finances – I just want to stay within my self-imposed budget. To help me do so, I came up with a list of items I actually need (or want) and I’m thinking this might keep me away from impulse buys. It’s hanging out inside my wallet – we’ll see how this goes!


Fitness – simple goal: find a routine that works for me.

Food – complete the Whole30!

Photography – figure out how to use Photoshop Elements and get started on my 2013 project life. I’m excited I found a way to work on my photography skills and document our life but not be tied to daily photo taking.

A January Update

Attend CrossFit three times per week – I rocked this goal, actually came in slightly ahead at 14 visits to my box in January. I went three days each week and got up to four one week.

Run a half marathon – I’m thinking about running the Seattle Rock n Roll Half with the Slalom running team or my friend Talia in June.

Deadlift 1.5 times my body weight – I’m up to doing 105# repeatedly in a workout, so my 1 rep max is probably getting close to 150 or so, but I haven’t tested it since I made this goal. I think I’ll have no problem getting to 1.5 times my weight by years end.

Take 10 minutes off my 2011 Warrior Dash time – Going to have to wait until July to see how this goes.

Do an unassisted pull-up – I’ve moved from a green band to a blue plus purple, which is progress. BUT, I went to try an unassisted one the other morning and I literally pulled my body up maybe a centimeter. Can we say reach goal?

Read 30 books – 4 books down in January!

Fully fund the house down payment account – We’re making really good progress and are just under 40% of our goal. Plus, after a lot of cleaning out and purging in the new year, we’re content in the condo and not itching to get out. We could stay forever (or until we had a toddler) if we just had a spare room for guests/office. But we’re okay for now.

Make photo albums for Europe, wedding, and honeymoon – To be honest, I forgot this was on the list.

Blog twice a week to remember the year – So far so good.

Participate in project 365 – 31 pictures posted for January! Only one day out of the month did I forget and have to post a filler picture from the previous weekend.

Find a church – No progress.

Complete 2 bible studies – I just started week two of Beth Moore’s Breaking Free over at WomensBibleCafe.com. I love it, there is a sense of community but no pressure/requirement to show up on time, just post your comments on the blog.  Also, this study happens to be on the iPad, so I don’t have to carry around a bunch of stuff. Makes it easy to do the daily work during my lunch time.

Volunteer 12 times – No progress in January, so I guess I’ll have to double up another month.

Write to compassion kids once a month – January done! Now that they offer online letter writing, complete with uploading pictures, it is much easier to get into a monthly routine.

Random January Challenge: After the holidays, Greg and I were pretty much addicted to online shopping. We decided to take a break for the month of January. It was a great experience. We noticed the money savings, but I think more importantly I broke some of the addiction to shopping. It’s no longer a quick fix. The few things I bought I enjoyed making the trip to the store, browsing, and deciding to purchase or not. I’m going to stick with it, with the exception of a few food staples that I buy on Amazon that are much cheaper there than in the store (these are auto-purchase anyway, so I won’t be “shopping” online).

Weight Loss: This is the only place where I’m disappointed in myself. My 15 pounds is now 14, but I was hoping for a lot more in my first month. Clearly being active isn’t the issue, so I’m making some changes to my food and really going to work on my sleep in February. I’m looking for a 2 lb loss in Feb.