Tag Archives: recipe

New Recipe Monday: Beer Butt Chicken & Brussels Sprout Salad

Still obsessed with our new BBQ.IMG_2322

On Friday night we made a quick dinner of pork chops with peppers and mushrooms. It took less than twenty minutes from the time we thought about dinner to the time we were eating. I can’t remember the last time we didn’t go out to dinner on a Friday night out of exhaustion (laziness?), so it’s going to pay for itself in Friday night meals alone pretty quickly.


I got a little more adventurous on Sunday evening and made a ‘beer butt’ chicken. My MIL gave me a device on which to cook the chicken for Christmas, but you really don’t need one. Just a can of cheap (or pricey, I suppose, if you want to make fancy butt chicken) beer. I followed the instructions in the linked recipe but there are approximately twelve million out there to choose from, and many for the oven rather than the BBQ.


To go with the chicken, I made a salad I saw on Pinterest last week. Clearly I was way into it as the ratio of pinned projects to projects that ever get done is pretty low so the ratio of pinned projects to projects that get done within a week of said pinning has got to be near zero.

I made this really easy on myself: Trader Joe’s sells shredded Brussels sprouts (I used two bags for the recipe) and sliced almonds. Don’t get your food processor and mandolin dirty.  Also, make it all in one bowl. I find it very annoying when recipes have you use multiple dishes when it clearly is not necessary. We went cheese-less, but I’m sure it would be tasty.


Make the chicken and salad, preferably together, and eat it outside while your dog runs around like a crazy madman barking at the neighbor kids. Drink a beer or two and savor the gluten as you’re about to give it up (for real) for eight weeks in a quest to get some G-D sleep.

More on that later.

Happy Monday.