My Fisherman

As part of working on the quality of my protein, I’ve done a bit of research on fish. Luckily there are many great posts available in cyberland, written by people who have already done the research. One of my favorites can be found here. (I love the Monterey Bay Aquarium app that is referenced in the post.)

A few weeks ago I contacted the Loki Fish Company out of Seattle. I asked about making a bulk order and was excited to find out I could pick up my order at the Ballard Farmers Market, two blocks from the love’s place. We ventured out in the rain on Sunday to get my five pounds of wild Alaska salmon for $35. I am still in shock over the price. I regularly see the same fish at Safeway for $15 or so per pound. The combination of Pacific Northwest, buying direct from the fisherman, and a bulk order makes wild salmon quite affordable!

Elana's Pantry Chipotle Lime Salmon over sautéed peppers, spinach, and cherry tomatoes. (click picture for recipe)

This meal took maybe twenty minutes to put together, tasted great, and even looked pretty.  We used 2/3 of one of the salmon. At that rate, the salmon will be enough protein for 15 meals. I’m consistently finding that with a little research and effort, I can easily find high quality protein sources for under $3 a serving.

We also had sushi on Saturday night with the love’s family. That was, I am sure, not sustainable fish in any way and most likely farmed (so therefore fed all kinds of wheat and soy). I haven’t figured out yet where to draw the line. For now, since I am eating most meals at home, I’m spending my efforts making the best choices I can when buying and cooking my own protein. Maybe down the road I’ll start working on eat out too, but for now this works for me. 

Pinball Wizard

We met up with friends on Sunday night for Triva. Our team tied with another for second, so the love represented us (and won!) a pinball-off. I heart Seattle.

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