five on friday

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1. I’m doing One Little Word (OLW) this year and actually taking the class with Ali Edwards as well. My word is “cheer”. I’m excited to write more about it as I dive into it deeper. The quote above is my favorite quote ever, was my high school yearbook quote, and I couldn’t agree with it more.

2. I couldn’t handle not having a 2014 reading goal. So I created one. Last year I read 26/30 books. Not bad considering I added new hobbies throughout the year. This year my goal is to read one “fun” book and one “learn” book each month.

3. Out of need to use round steak last week, I made this recipe for Paleo Swiss Steak on a whim. Holy cow (ha!), it was good. Since I buy my meat in bulk I have no idea what cuts are cheaper, but according to the recipe round steak is affordable. It was easy to throw together and smelled great as it cooked through the afternoon.

4. I’m loving Barre3. Low impact but I still feel like I get a great workout and without the stress CrossFit was putting on my body. It’s been only five classes but I’m already noticing improved posture. If I still love it at the end of my trial month I’ll definitely share more.

5. My birthday is Sunday and I asked for a weekend with no plans so we can do laundry and get the house in order. Hello, mid thirties. I’m also getting a steak dinner date with my hubby.


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