november goals

First, a quick link to the next Style Me challenge that I mentioned earlier this week. Alison’s Build Your Basics Wardrobe Challenge is now open for registration. It is specifically geared to those over 40, but open to anyone who wants a shopping list and 21 outfits in classic, year round styles. 


For the month of October, I set two goals for myself. It seemed like such a small number, but they were big goals and sometimes I try to be reasonable. For a very quick recap, I will say that I kicked both their asses. I am a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and, as of Wednesday, I completed a 100% compliant Whole30 in the midst of the chaos of the month (recap coming Monday). I’ve taken a few minutes to pat myself on the back, but now it’s time to move on to November….


I realize that the list below is kind of insane and in all honesty I’m pretty sure I can’t meet all these goals. But for the first time this year, I’m enjoying the freedom of not having set school goals and have gone a little crazy. Oh well, the worst thing that happens is something doesn’t get done. But if I put it all out here, chances are at least a good chunk of it will happen.

Health & Relationships

Be intentional about off-roading from Whole30. I always struggle with ending a Whole30 and finding my balance. This month I want to really work to ask myself “is it worth it” when I want something that I know is going to take away from how good I feel right now.

Move a few times a week. Walking, prenatal yoga, prenatal Barre3 class, whatever sounds good. I slipped badly, aside from my weekly yoga class, the last two months and I want to make sure my body is ready for the epic event that birthing a child is.

Make time for quality family time. We did not get to spend a lot of quality time together in September and October. We spent time together, but most of it was while working on work or school. We’ve definitely been better the last week or two but I think being intentional about it is important.



this is an Action Book and it’s amazing. i learned about it from, who is the queen of goal setting and GSD

Finish the legal stuffs. Pretty boring, but I need to wait on my LLC from the state, trademark my name, and organize my insurance.

Start building my website. This is something I’d like to do myself for a few reasons. First, I’m hoping to build a business that is both client and content based. Because of the content portion, I want to be able to enhance the site at will. I’m also just a nerd who likes to learn new skills. I have an idea of how I’ll go about building the site, but I need to look into it a little more.

Write three articles. In my day job I translate business needs to a technology team. It dawned on me the other day that what I want to do with my business is very similar, translate the science of nutrition into terms anyone can understand and put into action, without spending a year learning all the details. Until the website is available, these will be posted on this blog.

Work with one additional practice client. Until the baby comes, I’ll be working at my “internship”, collecting practice clients as I can get them. What does this mean for you? How about free nutrition therapy? I’m looking to add one more client in November (once I sort out my insurance). If you are interested, local or non-local to Seattle, email me at beth dot martin at outlook dot com. Keep in mind that in exchange for free work, I’ll be learning as well. Not sure what nutritional therapy is? It can mean many different things, but here are just a few of the issues I am ready to tackle with you: digestive issues that keep you from feeling your best, low energy and/or stress, conception preparation, and help with food allergies or sensitivities.


Finish two blankets. I’ve started knitting a blanket for martian and have a quilt in the works that I started in May. I’d like to finish both this month.


Make progress on paper projects. Finish One Little Word for July and August. Create pages for June and July in our Project Life album.

Prep a December Daily album. I love the idea of December Daily and bought the kit last year. While I’ve only mentioned it in passing here, we lost our first baby on November 30th. Surviving the holidays was challenge enough and documenting our cheer, or lack thereof, was not on my list of things to do. Instead of buying this year’s kit, I’m going to use the one from last year and document our last year as a family of two humans and a doodle. From what I’ve read, if you prep everything before hand it’s very easy to keep up during the month.


Finish the kitchen. We’ve decided to work on one room at a time and get it done. We’ve lived here for two years next month and most rooms look like we just moved in. We plan to be here another five years so it’s time to spend the money and time to make it ours and enjoy it. We completed the office in October and once our couch is delivered in two weeks I’ll share an update. The kitchen needs a new lamp, artwork on the walls, and a serious clean out and organization of cupboards.

Get the nursery basics. I’d like to end November with all the furniture ready to go in the baby’s room. That means we need to get new carpet installed first, so I guess I’m hiding a second goal within this one. We already have a glider and bookshelf and need to pick up a crib, a dresser, a rug, and a lamp and side table for the glider. I’m leaving decor for later. I wouldn’t want to go too crazy this month.


I like to keep my goals front and center so this reminder is sitting on our desk, just waiting to be marked up.


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