august goals

IMG_5730_edited-2I’ve been a terrible blogger lately and don’t see that changing in August (but hopefully it will in September!). It’s silly, but putting these goals on here makes me much more likely to complete them so I’m going to keep doing it.

To recap July…

Lose some damn baby weight. I ended up deciding on a Sunday that I was going to start a Whole30 the next day. It was a great decision. I just finished this Tuesday. I lost six pounds. While I firmly believe that the scale is simply a numeric value of your relationship with gravity that day (and influenced by a zillion factors), it’s nice to see the number go down. A few of my shorts fit now and I feel like I’m on the right track. I also really saw improvement in falling asleep quickly and in not wanting sugar quite as much. Win all around. I had fun recapping a tip a day (most days) on my Instagram feed.

Create a plan for building out my business website. Nope. Until my internship is finished, I think it’s safe to say that I just won’t have the time to work on this. And that’s fine, it will come at some point.

Moving on to August…

Use my Barre3 classes. Last summer I purchased a set of five Barre3 classes for a ‘deal’. Well, they are only deal if you actually use them and a year later I have three left. The expiration date is August 31st, so I need to get my butt into the studio and use them by the end of the month.

Finish Paige’s quilt. Back in May I bought and cut all the fabric to make Paige a quilt. It’s taking up a bunch of room in our office closet and I need to actually turn the pile of triangles into a blanket. I’m really excited about it because it’s going to be the most cheerful quilt ever, I just need to stop procrastinating and get to work.

Short and simple this month. I’ve got a lot of stuff around the house that needs to get done and I’m still putting in hours on the internship. There isn’t a ton of time for extras but if I focus I can knock these out.

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